Saturday, June 18, 2005

Rockin' In The Heartland

What's up everyone? Not a whole heck of a lot going on in Nebraska, my last post was 2 weeks ago, so I figured it was time for me to get on here and kick out an update.

Let me see, life is still pretty much the same cycle of work, go home-eat-watch a movie, sleep, awken, repeat.

I am pretty bummed that I havent been able to talk with Megan much lately, either we are just missing each other and playing phone tag a lot or she is getting sick of talking to me...........hopefully the first....she doesnt have her 2nd cell phone active right now, so we arent able to text each other back and forth, which is a bummer, I always enjoyed waking up and seeing a sweet text from her, kind of got my day started in a positive direction....hopefully we get back on the communication train and start talking a lot again......maybe another part is having MizzSparky, MisterShawn, and lil MissLola there visiting, probably more enjoyable spending quality time with them than yacking on the phone with me. Anyway, I look forward to chatting with her this weekend if it is in the cards.

Speaking of MizzSparky and MisterShawn, I finally was able to pick up the birthday package they sent to me and was totally surprised...........they were able to track down one of my all time favorite snacks in the world (besides Cheez-It's).......The mighty Flipz....chocolate covered pretzels....I havent had any in a long ass time, have scoured the Wal Mart, Target, Walgreens, etc around here looking for them, but with no success........throw those bad boys in the freezer, bust them out and get to snacking, thank you very much!

Going off topic here, but a couple weeks ago, I found a very cool radio show that a guy named Michael Butler does on the net called "The Rock N Roll Geek Show" which is great, he had a show a few weeks back where he interviewed Ginger of The Wildhearts for over an hour, and it was great...I have listened to that show about 8 or 9 times now.....anyway, I downloaded a couple other of his shows and they are also great.......I was amazed at some of the bands he was playing, I mean hell..............he played the Sea Hags.........a band I used to listen to back when I was about 17 in in the ghetto house that would be condemned after we moved out of it ......anyway, I was ultra impressed and dropped him a call to his voicemail.....and he ended up using my call on his show from this week....................I sound kind of like a dork, but oh well, it was pretty cool to hear my call on his can download an mp3 of this show at this link

Hear Unklebry on The Rock N Roll Geek Show

You can listen to the whole show--this one has stuff about Bruce Campbell (Ash from the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness movies), some music from The Hellacopters (who whoop much ass), a song from a band called The D4 that is pretty cool, some info about the Jetboy reunion show (Jetboy was great...saw them at Big Dog Soundstage in Wichita, KS with Sam Yaffa from Hanoi Rocks playing bass for them)....then Jetboy's MTV song "Feel The Shake"...........anyway, you can check out all this cool stuff, or just fast forward it to 21:44 minutes into the show and listen to me..................your choice. And by the way, he does cut off my voice mail early because I ramble on too damn long.

Okay, I am tired of typing for the moment, but I will post more later today or something.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

A damn good album, regardless of what anyone else might think. Posted by Hello

Long time, no blog.......

Hello everyone, sorry for the absence of blog entries as of late, but fear not, for I have returned for an entry today.

I had planned on staying in Kearney this weekend, but after talking to Pops on the phone late Thursday night, I decided to pop on over to Oxford and hang out here for the weekend and watch the Miami/Detroit game with him........and man, did Detroit hand out an ass whipping to Miami. I hope Detroit takes game 7, the Pistons/Spurs final sounds like it would be a fierce battle, so we will see what happens with that.

Haven't had much going on here at all, just working then heading back to the mobile mansion and watching a movie, then sleeping and starting all over again the next day. When you are broke as a joke, your entertainment options are pretty darn limited and then you end up with nothing to write about....which is where we are at right now. I wish we would get some damn overtime available at work to boost the finances a bit, but not sure if that will be happening anytime in the near future.

This weekend was actually pretty peaceful, didn't hear much from Janett, and Josh was gone almost the entire time, so it was pretty much me hanging in the basement, downloading crap on the computer and watching tv. Not bad at all.

I found out that my favorite musician/songwriter, Ginger, of The Wildhearts (now officially split up again) is currently staying in San Antonio, and is recording a new solo album at Willie Nelson's studio outside of kooky is that? Mistershawn and MizSparky....if you are out and about in San Antonio and see a guy with long reddish brown dreads with a bunch of tattoos and an English accent, make sure to tell him that The Wildhearts stuff is the greatest stuff released the last 10 years or so.

Let me see, what else to share with the masses?????

Miss Megan still rocks, wish we could see each other in person, like every day or more.

I still don't like vegetables.

I am considering quitting smoking.

I haven't dropped the boys off at the pool for like 5 days or something......damn, what is up with that? Okay, you didn't need to know that part.

Well, not much else that I can think of to share with the group.

Until next time..............remember, it is ALL ABOUT THE METAL.