Thursday, January 20, 2005

Gonna learn how to use this thing right

Okay, I will spend some time here this weekend figuring out all the nifty features of this blogging to post pics, do some snazzy style graphics and all that nonsense. I know right now it is about as visually appealing as an old ladies deflated funbags, but it will get better.......(I hope)

I will be chronicling the life of myself (Unkle Bry), and my crazy white trash style family in rural Nebraska.....(okay, the Father in this story is also a normal human.....but the rest of the crew.....straight out of the trailerparks of Oklahoma)

The cast and crew......

Unkle Bry...your host. A charming fella, currently 33 years old (unless you are a girl who meets me out at a bar or other social function, in that case you will be told I am 26). Former White collar a down and dirty blue collar worker, manufacturing medical delivery device components for most of the major drug companies (Pfizer, BD, Tyco, etc). No girlfriend, just basically living and working, and selling off my old record collection on ebay. Not a very exciting life, but very interesting surroundings that you will get to read abou.

Dave....The Father figure....great guy, smart, hard-working, fun to be around.

Janett.....Daves Wife....crazy as a loon, not very bright, thinks the mighty Unkle Bry is possessed by demons, but on the positive side does possess a 6th grade education courtesy of the Oklahoma public school system.

Josh......Janett's son, currently 19 years old and a Junior in high school (what does that tell you) Fancies himself to be an expert mechanic, his improvements/repairs to vehicles have cost the Dave approximately $2500-3000 in the past few years, since they have to be followed up on by an actual mechanic. Josh did land a job at an auto parts store, so now he will become even more of an expert.

Sheila....Janett's daughter....I believe she is 31, bot looks to be more like 40. I know that isn't nice, but know what they say about the truth and all that. She does have an exotic taste in men. I know this as she had me personally use the internet to locate photos of several of her friends currently enrolled in the Oklahoma State Penal System in some career path called "meth related drug arrests". I was shocked to see the mullets that some of these fellas were sporting.....but Sheila informed me just how hot these guys were. I can see her point, when they are released they have a great future in the pharmaceutical industry.

Waylon....Sheila's son...I believe his is 11 years old....currently in the 4th grade (I think)...should still be in the 1st grade at most.....cannot read or write at all....this is very sad to me, and I have tried having talks with him about how important it will be to be strong in reading, math, etc when he gets older....but he simply will not listen to me. He is becoming fairly adept at Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas......perhaps he has a future in stealing cars and beating up hookers.

Samuel....Sheila's other son...only about 1 1/2 years old. I won't write much about this little guy, as he is too little to know better when he does stupid things....but when he starts to throw tantrums and misbehave, both Janett and Sheila have discovered that if they turn on the vacuum and let it run, he becomes scared and shuts up. That should speak volumes about the parenting skills that they both posess. This is their only use for a vacuum, as neither of them is much for cleanliness.

Okay, now that we have set the stage for out little soap opera on the net..........stay tuned for regular updates.


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