Sunday, October 02, 2005

What Is Up, My People?

Hello everyone, and welcome to another entry comin' atcha live from the mighty midwest.

I didn't do a darn thing all weekend, which was nice....watched some dvd's, spent time downloading a bunch of music from bands that you have probably never heard of, and finished up a book I was reading. For me, that is a productive weekend. Hopefully everyone else did something a bit more entertaining/exciting.

I do have a bit of bad news, my beloved mobile, "Bessie" is pretty much dead. Appears I have blown a head gasket in her, and that kind of repair is way too costly for a car that is worth so little, so I am currently looking at buying a car from the lil' brother unit.....the car he traded in on his current car was pretty decent, and he turned around and bought it right back from the dealer for the same price they gave him on trade in he will sell it to me for more.....making himself some money, and helping me out by saving me the trouble of looking around at cars and all that crap. He is bringing it over here tonight and I will drive it to work and just check it out to make sure that is what I want to do. Probably so, I am not really that picky when it comes to cars, kinda obvious since I have had my current one almost 10 years.

Didn't talk to Miss Megan at all this weekend, and that bums me out......seems whenever she calls me I am asleep, and whenever I call her she is doing something else and I get is kinda tough keeping in touch with the rest of the world when you work the hours that everyone else is normally asleep, as it really puts a bind in your schedule and all that......I mean half the time I don't wake up til about 9 at night, then check email, crap, shower, etc....then off to work....trying to keep in contact with everyone within that 10-10:45 window that I leave myself......but if people get up at 6 in the morning, half the time they are asleep by then. Not complaining, but just makes it tough to stay in touch.

I think I need to get a hobby, something to do instead of just being a computer geek all the time when I am not at work......I dunno, perhaps macrame?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:45 PM  

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