Sunday, January 23, 2005

2 AM and nothing is happening

Finally got some damn rest. Slept for about 13 hours straight, woke up feeling pretty good...have a fresh pack of smokes and several cokes in the fridge to get me through till morning when I will attempt to go to bed and get back on my normal sleep schedule......we'll see if that happens.

Work was okay...ended up working 24 hours in a 32 hour period....that damn near wore a brother out...especially when you throw in the 2 hours of drive time, that only leaves 6 hours for recovery, but oh well, I am a greedy bastard and when they are paying me time and a half, I will pretty much do anything (well I won't gobble a knob or anything....but you know what I am saying)

When I woke up I discovered that Janett had just crafted one of her culinary delights....the tasty, but not very popular Philly Cheesesteak flavor of hamburger I scarfed some of that down.

Didnt see much of the family unit today....Sheila was at work, Josh was also at work, Waylon was learning new hooker beating techniques on GTA: San Andreas, Janett was busy sitting in a chair, and Pops was watching tv...he did have me look up the Powerball numbers drawn today to ensure that none matched his............they didnt.


Feel free to download and listen to the song below while you wait for is Iron Maiden and Jay-Z mixed together, works very well and I like should too.

Okay, I have returned.....the fine blend of domestic and Turkish tobacco was most refreshing.

Not a lot planned for this next week....hopefully this sudden run of overtime being available at work will continue....if so I will be spending a lot of time at work, which would be a good thing. I also hope to get my W2 from work this week....received my other one in the mail today (Saturday), want to get my taxes done and get that refund least I hope to get a good size refund we will find out before too long.

Well, enough of a post for today...I am sure some of the family unit will do some stupid stuff for me to write about tomorrow....

By the way, figured out how to post pics on here, so if this long post is the only thing that shows up on your screen, scroll down........or use the links to the right side of the page.


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