Monday, April 25, 2005

Miss Megan Is Bootylicious

Something about this girl gets me all worked up and stuff. : )

Man, I guess I am a perv. Ha Ha.....anyway, long time no post........sorry for my lack of updates as of late.....but in the process of relocating to Kearney, and still dont have an ISP there i am limited to time when I come back to Oxford to get on the PC and rock the written mic for ya'll.

Finally got to talk to Miss Megan today.......yeah! It had been like a 2 day absence of conversation and I was sweating it a little, like "damn.......girl doesnt want to talk to me".....of course she reassured me that we were jut missing each other........playing a rocking game of voicemail-tag. We have a conversation planned for 9:02pm this evening, so that makes me happy.

Not a whole hell of a lot else going on as of late.....last week I ended up working 60 hours, which was pretty cool........I am going to shoot for either 56 or 60 hours again this week........but only doing an 8 hr shift tonight, as I know that I will be a tired ninja. Watch, just my luck today will be the last day they offer overtime this week and I will miss out on getting any.........hope not, but that would be just about my the Social Distortion song says "if it werent for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"..........Mike Ness pretty much summed it all up for us right there.

Got a chance to talk to Mistershawn on Saturday........he was out of the house at the Cigar Club in San Antonio.....having a beverage and playing a little scrabble.........may not sound that exciting....but damn, I wish I was there to do that kind of stuff with him.......When you get a chance to do even that kind of stuff with people that you truly enjoy being around, it is a good thing. Cannot wait until July.......hopefully I will have my finances in order enough to make the trip down there and do some of that stuff and get a chance to spend some quality time with my peeps. (and hopefully make the trip at the same time as Miss Megan.......that would be hella sweet!)

I spent abouyt 35 minutes at the post office today sending out ebay shit........damn, over 200 bucks for postage......sending stuff to ninja's all over the world.........lots of people in the Netherlands love their metal.......must be a pretty rockin' place. It used to be Germany who I shipped a ton of metal stuff to, but the folks in the Netherlands have jumped out way in the lead on the metal buying race.

I downloaded the latest Green Day album in its entirety this weekend......I had heard a few songs off it and thought it was good, but damn the thing is good all the way thru........impressive.....I had pretty much written them off the past few years, but with this one they redeemed themselves.......I know, they could give a shit what I think.....but hey, it is a good record........if you want it, you can get is this record.......

Click here to get this record

Damn, I am too nice to you, huh?

And hey, if you dig Beck, you can grab 4 of his albums at this location (click here for Beck albums)

How about some Metal? Here is the best Static X here

What more could you want? A little pop punk with Green Day, a little weirdness with Beck, and some Metal with Static X.......that pretty much covers the bases, huh?

Well, don't have much more to write about today........will check in with everyone by phone either sometime during the week or next weekend.......leave me some damn comments or send me a text to my phone.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

How funny, Paris Hilton caught on camera looking at a bootleg dvd of her infamous home porn. Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Unklebry

Hello my peoples!

Sorry for the lack of Unklebry the last few days, I have been in one of my moods, or in a "funk" if you want to call it that........just not in a good mood, dwelling on a lot of negative crap, and really not fit for much conversation with anyone.

But I woke up about an hour ago and for whatever reason, seem to be in a better mood.......nothing has changed with the crap that is making me all negative.........but seem to be adjusting better and am feeling all social and whatnot here we go with a blog update.

First on the list..........I hope Miss Megan isn't too grumpy with me for not calling/returning calls for the last 2 days.....makes me feel like an ass........I plan to call her today as soon as it gets to a reasonable hour of the day......maybe like 9 I can, of course, interrupt her as she gets ready for church and all that.....I always call while she is preparing for something : )

2nd on the list.......Mister Shawn and Miss Sparky welcomed lil' Lola into the world..........the pics that shawn posted on his blog are great........I can't recall ever having seen him look happier than in the pics where he is holding the new addition to the I really can't wait to go down and visit know, Unklebry will have to bond with baby Lola..........and it is cool, because I will still have Miss Sparky and Mister Shawn there to change the diaper when she poos........I can just see it, I will be making the baby giggle so much, it will just be a poo-fest and they will have to change her like 20 times that day and they will get all annoyed at me.......hahaha that will be great fun.

3rd comment.......the auctions I uploaded last week arent doing too bad.........out of 120 items listed last Sunday, currently have 75 that are selling...........and on those 75 items.......there are a total of 148 bids (so far)...with 5 to 6 hours remaining...............hopefully we will see a ton of last minute bidding..........there are quite a few of the items that a bunch of people have added to their "watch-list" I expect a lot of bids in the last hour or so of the auctions.............I hope so anyway....... You can click here to scope out current auctions


Found this while I was in my grumpy ass mood and it made me smile, perhaps it will make you smile also!
The mighty Sabbath's "Sweet Leaf" instrumental with the Brady's rocking out the Brady Theme over it...Killer.

Click here to get this soon to be classic tune.

Ginger, dammit!

Just for fun, I thought you all should check out a real damn rock and roll band......
The mighty Silver Ginger 5

This is the video to the song "Sonic Shake"..if you dont like this song, you don't rock at all.

Kind of take old school Kiss (you know back when they were good--like the Love Gun era) and cross that with some old Cheap Trick...then throw that in a blender with a lil bit of Too Fast era Motley (just a dash of that..not much) and what spits out.........this song. It is a classic "on stage" type video, and pretty much really sucks that this album has never been released in the USA...but the fucktard music buying public here probably wouldnt buy it anyway....dammit.

This video is in wmv format, so if you have Windows Media Player, you will be able to watch it over and over again, you Unklebry does.

Click here for this masterpiece of Rock and Roll.

I am all about the sharing today..........have you noticed that.............but hey....if you are down here reading this entry, and didnt download the Silver Ginger 5 video yet..........what are you thinking? Go download that and come back down here......................
............. the video yet? If so, it rocks, huh?

Told ya so. that you have been rocked by Ginger........back to what I was talking about before.

Okay, maybe I was done talking before.......whoops, we were at the point in my post where I give you stuff to go look at and download and all that crazy kind of stuff........well, there are 2 things for ya, I am going to end the post here, but will probably post again when I am sitting here watching as my auctions wind down, hoping that people bid on that stuff.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I ganked this picture from Mistershawn's blog!

Too damn funny

I bust on over to Mister Shawn's blog, and just happen to get there a mere 15 or 20 minutes after he updated it.......with pictures of me! This pic was indeed taken on New Years Eve in Austin, TX while at the hotel preparing to head out on the town. Notuce me with the snazzy green suit, with shiny blue shirt-collar all hanging out late Seventies style........yep I was happening this night. Miss Sparky, of course, looks ravishing in her faux leopard coat........what a wacky evening that ended up being.

We went out to some bar......can't remember what it was called......and proceeded to get all liquored up...Miss Sparky happened to get really liquored, really fast....if I remember correctly, she was drinking Belvedere martinis.......I was drinking Stoli & Tonic, with a twist of lime......and Mister Shawn was drinking Jack and Water.......I know, big shocker there.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, Miss Sparky got all kinds of bombed really early in the evening, and Mister Shawn and her were having a bit of a spat at the bar..........ended up being an early evening for them, Mistershawn took her back to the hotel for a bit of babysitting the boozer----Sorry Miss Sparky, but that is pretty much the way it was......

I, on the other hand, was not quite ready to call it an evening, so I took off with this young lady that I had met in the bar......she was in town for New Years from Chicago........cant remember her name or anything, just remember that we kind of stumbled in and out of several bars up and down 6th street until the wee hours of the morning........she had a rental car and took me back to the hotel.........except, in my drunken haze, I had her drop me off at the Holiday Inn East, when I was actually supposed to be at the Holiday Inn know, the one where we were staying and all my stuff was, and Mistershawn and Miss Sparky were eagerly awaiting my arrival?

I had to bribe a cab driver I spotted rushing away from the hotel...gave him fifty bucks off the meter to run me the 5 or 6 miles to the other hotel.........that sucked.......but at least I got back to the hotel in 1 piece....

Miss Sparky was all passed out (fake eyelash all hanging off of her know all ghetto style)...and Mister Shawn popped open the bottle of champagne he had in the room, we toasted each other and smoked a few Camel Lights (only the finest blend of domestic and Turkish tobacco for us)...then called it a night.

Ahhhhh, the good old days................really reminds me how much I miss those two..........we had some hella good times...........there were not so great times too, but the great times far outweigh those.......take my words of advice......

When you find some really great friends who feel more like family than friend, hang on to doesnt happen often, and when it does, do whatever you can to make sure it lasts forever.


Oh yeah, and I cant forget to say METAL \m/ (that is the horns up sign for metal if you cant figure it out...aww yeah)
Posted by Hello