Monday, April 25, 2005

Miss Megan Is Bootylicious

Something about this girl gets me all worked up and stuff. : )

Man, I guess I am a perv. Ha Ha.....anyway, long time no post........sorry for my lack of updates as of late.....but in the process of relocating to Kearney, and still dont have an ISP there i am limited to time when I come back to Oxford to get on the PC and rock the written mic for ya'll.

Finally got to talk to Miss Megan today.......yeah! It had been like a 2 day absence of conversation and I was sweating it a little, like "damn.......girl doesnt want to talk to me".....of course she reassured me that we were jut missing each other........playing a rocking game of voicemail-tag. We have a conversation planned for 9:02pm this evening, so that makes me happy.

Not a whole hell of a lot else going on as of late.....last week I ended up working 60 hours, which was pretty cool........I am going to shoot for either 56 or 60 hours again this week........but only doing an 8 hr shift tonight, as I know that I will be a tired ninja. Watch, just my luck today will be the last day they offer overtime this week and I will miss out on getting any.........hope not, but that would be just about my the Social Distortion song says "if it werent for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"..........Mike Ness pretty much summed it all up for us right there.

Got a chance to talk to Mistershawn on Saturday........he was out of the house at the Cigar Club in San Antonio.....having a beverage and playing a little scrabble.........may not sound that exciting....but damn, I wish I was there to do that kind of stuff with him.......When you get a chance to do even that kind of stuff with people that you truly enjoy being around, it is a good thing. Cannot wait until July.......hopefully I will have my finances in order enough to make the trip down there and do some of that stuff and get a chance to spend some quality time with my peeps. (and hopefully make the trip at the same time as Miss Megan.......that would be hella sweet!)

I spent abouyt 35 minutes at the post office today sending out ebay shit........damn, over 200 bucks for postage......sending stuff to ninja's all over the world.........lots of people in the Netherlands love their metal.......must be a pretty rockin' place. It used to be Germany who I shipped a ton of metal stuff to, but the folks in the Netherlands have jumped out way in the lead on the metal buying race.

I downloaded the latest Green Day album in its entirety this weekend......I had heard a few songs off it and thought it was good, but damn the thing is good all the way thru........impressive.....I had pretty much written them off the past few years, but with this one they redeemed themselves.......I know, they could give a shit what I think.....but hey, it is a good record........if you want it, you can get is this record.......

Click here to get this record

Damn, I am too nice to you, huh?

And hey, if you dig Beck, you can grab 4 of his albums at this location (click here for Beck albums)

How about some Metal? Here is the best Static X here

What more could you want? A little pop punk with Green Day, a little weirdness with Beck, and some Metal with Static X.......that pretty much covers the bases, huh?

Well, don't have much more to write about today........will check in with everyone by phone either sometime during the week or next weekend.......leave me some damn comments or send me a text to my phone.



Blogger unknown said...

yo unc bry! thanks for the links to the great music! you always have the most bootylicious photos too. miss megan is definatly a hottie. good luck on the re-location and hope to hear more from ya soon

eye out

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for July! of course, this ninja has to go back and work for The Man on the last week of June...too bad y'all can't come sooner.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Wow.....4 comments when I log back on...make a brother feel like a rockstar......aww yeah.

6:27 AM  

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