Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tooling for a warm teabag

Hello everyone......sorry again for the lack of blog entries.......a ninja has been kinda busy and just overall slacking on stuff as of late, so here is the quick 5 minute update.

Move to Kearney is still a go....will be making the move right around the first of the that will be cool, basically adding an extra 2 hrs of sleep/do whatever time to my day that I normally spend driving in the car.....right on.

Work was kinda crap last week, Friday and Saturday I was doing shit work......running crap with just god awful raw fun at all........but hey, that is how it goes......hopefully all will be cool this week, could use a few days of stuff running smooth with no problems.

Didnt accomplish half of what I wanted to do this weekend.......wasted basically all day Saturday afternoon/evening dinking around downtown......but I did learn a rocking new (to me) card game, kind of a cross between poker/rummy/and blackjack if that makes sense......still dont have it 100% figured out, but it was a rocking good time trying to learn how to play it.

Missed a day of talking to Miss Megan on Saturday.........which is sad, talking to her at 9:02 every night is pretty much the highlight of my day.......but we chatted for a while this afternoon, and will be talking again tonight on my way in to work, so it is all she sent me a new pic and that always makes me smile.

Janett made up some rockin bbq chicken breasts tonight.......that was killer, although the side dish of the ghetto-ass mac and cheese wasnt that great.........but hey, the bird was great and that is what counts, right?

Not much else going on........going to have to start getting myself motivated this week and try to accomplish some packing of crap so I will be ready for the move the end of the month.......damn, it will be cool to be moved in there, but the actual process of moving is no fun at all, I will be glad when it is over and done with.

Signing off for now, and just an fyi, 6 days til' Motorhead.


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