Monday, March 07, 2005


Hahaha Buttocks.

Well, not much time for a post tonight......already 8:35 and I need to get going to work here in a few minutes........worked 12 hours last night......trying to top last weeks 60 hour total, so we'll see what happens.

Miss Megan started her new job in Wichita today, will be speaking to her in a mere 27 minutes to find out how day 1 went.

Going to pay my crazy $200 wireless bill after work today.......and cancel the stupid web browser feature.......which somehow I failed to disconnect one night and was logged on for 400 minutes........genius move.

Not much else happening today, and it is already time for have a good one.

Motorhead countdown---19 days!

Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greeting Unkle Bry. Just saying whuddup. Mark and I went and saw zeke, and reo speeddealer a while back, and I almost lost all of my hearing. Metal!

3:47 PM  

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