Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

Hello everyone...again today, not much time for a post. Worked another 12 hour shift last night...got home around 12:30, asleep by 1:30, got up at 7:00pm...now checking email, etc. 8:00 will be time for shower and then take off for work again around 8:30. I am planning on doing another 12 hour shift tonight....but we will see how I feel when the time comes around.

Miss Megan started training at her new job today....will find out how that went around 9:02 tonight when I talk to her...hopefully all went well.

Got an email from Amy today.......she finally breaks her silence after about a week.......she has a new hottie girl she is chasing, so she has been busy......I will have to leave her another singing voicemail......last week I left her a lovely rendition of Culture Club's "Karma Chameleon" on her voicemail, I think she enjoyed it.

Mistershawn has updated his blog again.....I am impressed....some snazzy pics (including one of me and my little kitty friend Dino) and even a fashion question of the day....you will have to go check it out http://gentleman-of-leisure.blogspot.com

Well, it is about time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for work.......hope everyone else had a good day...time for me to start mine.

For a cool download of the day, we have a song from the mighty Junkyard (one of my fave all time bands) This is a demo track that was supposed to be included on their 3rd album, but then Geffen dropped them and the album never got released......damn that David Geffen, he is an idiot.......anyway, check out the song, it is great (as is everything that Junkyard did)



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