Monday, February 28, 2005

A cool song for the day

Well, not much time to post tonight.....worked a 12 hr shift last night, then got home, slept for 5 1/2 hrs....woke up and got about 15 packages ready to ship getting ready to jump in the shower and wash my naughty bits.....hahahha Anyway, found this cool is one of Fiona Apples demo tracks for the album she was supposed to release a few years back, but the record company didnt like the songs so the are just stuck in limbo....I mean, this one is no "Criminal"...but it is kinda twisted in a Willa Wonka kinda way to me......check it out...her voice is just too cool...

I am all anxious.......get to talk to Miss Megan in a mere hour and 3 minutes : )

No comments at all the past few days on the blog.......and I thought I had written a very entertaining post for everyone to laugh at and comment on........but nooooooo. Oh well...rock and roll.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megan - you have to be kidding! LMAO

unklebry - sorry i've been mia. all this incubating has me tired. i checked in a couple of times yesterday to see if you have an update, but i didn't post. i was very entertained by mischa part seems like yesterday.

i didn't watch fred "all for the nookie" durst because he grosses me out. get some justin timberlake and i'll watch it.

for ladies of unklebry part 3 -- hummm...not sure. didn't you have an "erotic" (i.e. happy finish) massage when we lived in NV? perhaps you can share some tales of that experience.

7:26 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

for ladies of unklebry part 3 -- hummm...not sure. didn't you have an "erotic" (i.e. happy finish) massage when we lived in NV? perhaps you can share some tales of that experience.

Awwww had to bring that up! I had forgotton all about that........dunno if that story is woth sharing or not......have to think on it.


10:19 AM  
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5:45 PM  

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