Thursday, February 24, 2005

Enjoy your stay in Paris (hahaha)

Everyone has probably heard about Paris Hiltons cell phone getting hacked....with her address book, notes to self, phone book, and pics from this phone splashed all over the internet.......well, me being a bit of a fan of this whacked in the head young lady, I had to search them out......and these 3 pics were the only good ones......the other ones were stupid...she had clothes on and stuff...the brunette in 2 of the pics with her is a VJ from MTV Brazil (at least that is what I read) I zoomed in on these really close in MSPaint, and they look authentic, not pieced together in photoshop or anything...waaahhhh metal.

I missed talking to Miss Megan last phone battery was dead, as I had forgot to plug it in when I got home, and my car charger was conveniently located in my jacket pocket, which was left at home on the chair.........I had taken a couple pics late in the afternoon, sent an email, then went to make a few calls, and the darn thing is I was out of the communication loop.....happy to report that after being plugged in while I slept, I am back to a full charge, and my car charger is sitting right next to my wallet, so it will not be forgotten when I leave today.

This is going to sound all sensitive, emo, and goofy, but what the heck........I really, really missed having a chance to chat with Miss Megan last night, after our chat on Tuesday night (my Wednesday), I spent all night at work thinking about her.....very fun to talk to, and then I log onto email this morning, and she had sent me a pic (the hug pic...which I will post here in the next few posts) of her and me taken long ago.....taken during a weekend we were hanging out with MizSparky.....very cool, made me smile. I also got a voice mail from her, which was cool.......and she referenced the subject "Ladies Of Unkle Bry: Volume III-Misha" saying she wasnt trying to be all stalker style like Misha was.......the only thing is you really cant be kicking it stalker style when Unklebry anxiously awaits your phone calls and it brightens his day when they arrive! Okay, enough me being like that in this public forum....

Oh yeah, also got a voice mail from Pops........sorry I missed your call......will give you a "holla" tonight. I mention this here, because Pops has started to tune in daily, and he ends up reading this more than I actually get to chat with him.

I am anxiously awaiting this weeks "Weekend Edition" of the Kearney newspaper, as I will be scouring the ads for potential places to live.......and then Monday morning after work, I will drive by those that sound interesting and at least get a visual idea of what they are all about...getting very, very anxious to move........I will be broke as a joke after moving, but I think I will be happier in the long run.

The last song I posted a download link for was an 80's classic from the Pet Shop Boys......we will stick with that theme and roll with one of the ultimate 80's bands for todays download.....the mighty "Hungry Like A Wolf" from Duran Duran. Go grab this one and remember your Junior High years.

Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning UnkleBry...just had a minute to give you a shout out before I go serve The Man. (not MisterShawn...The Man who signs my paycheck)

does Paris have George Clooney's phone #? if you find it, send it this way.

FoUB (otherwise known as Father of UnkleBry) is probably enjoying your new pics very much.

Mom & Allison are heading down to the dirty south for the baby shower. Miz Megan could not take the 10 hour drive with la familia (ha ha). We'll miss her.

love ya B

7:56 AM  

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