Friday, February 18, 2005

Good morning everyone.....just returned home from work, only did 8 hours last night, so I am much more awake than I was yesterday at this time. Fairly laid back night, I was training a new person, it was cool, and she made a lot of progress as the night went on.

Well, Sparky finally forwarded my blog addy to her sister Megan, and Megan wrote to me and included a pic.....the pic above is her taken at Miss Sparky and Mistershawns wedding in July of 2003 (I think that is right)......I saw this pic when I was in TX over the holidays, and thought "damn, look how hot she looks in that pic!"

.....haha anyway, thus begins the "Ladies Of Unklebry" entry on Miss Megan.

The story is set in San Antonio....Miss Sparky and Mistershawn were not really seeing eye to eye at the time and were spending a bit of time apart, (the absence of course making their hearts grow fonder.....although they didnt realize it at the time) I was of course single at the time and pretty much just hanging out and working, not really doing much else......anyway, Sparky called and told me her sister was coming to visit and they wanted to go to NIOSA (Night In Old San Antonio....pretty much a drunk party fest in downtown San Antonio).....did I want to go with them.....I said sure and happily tagged along. I had met Megan a few times over the years, but it had been a while.......first thing I noticed about her was "damn, she has some rockin' blonde hooker hair".....which was basically long blonde wavy hair all moussed and looking hot (I know, it is different from the pic.....but we are talking a few years ago)......anyway, we are down at this big party thing and kind of boozing it up and just having a good old time...we ended up at some bar watching a band or something......honestly I dont really remember exactly....but I do remember Miss Sparky had wandered off and was chatting with a crawdad (not going any further with an explanation of the name as it doesnt really apply to this story) Megan and I had been starting to stand closer and closer to each other throughout the night.....anyway, we were standing there kind of digging the festivities and we started to "accidentally" bump into each other, she was in front of me and I would kind of bump into her butt.....hahah I know, not slick, but what the heck.......anyway, as anyone who knows me well will tell you, I am not much for being aggressive, I just kind of hang back and wait for gals to (hopefully) make the first move......Miss Megan and I started holding hands and whatnot, and next thing I know, she is reaching around behind her and fiddling with the fleshpole.......I was like "rock and roll...this is cool" anyway, that is basically how it all began......I am going to jump forward in time here and just say that that visit was fun, then a few weeks, maybe a month later, she flys back down to Texas to hang out and we spent most of that trip together, it was great......I still remember the final night of that trip.......dont know if she does or not, (mabye she will post a comment and tell us, as she will be reading this).....anyway, started with going out and having some drinks.......if I remember right, that is the night that we went with Mistershawn and another person to the 24kt gold club. Had a rocking good time looking at strippers for a while and knocking back more drinks, then returned to Bry's apartment for the indoor sports segment of the evening.........she took the lead role in the action, playing it like flesh flute for a long glorious time.....then I proceeded to bust out the lotion and give her a all over back/body/butt/all over rub down.....which got me going so much I had to just have her stay laying down like that and proceed with the deed.........I just remember how I probably had this weird twisted up look on my face like '"oh hell!!!!!!!" due to the pleasure of the moment......then the mighty eruption painted a wacky white painting all over the buns, back, almost all the way up to the neck......basically emptied the entire paint bucket was killer! Maybe I am making it greater in my head, as I have relived that moment many times over since then, but in my opinion, it was a grade A experience. The only odd thing is that during the times when we got down.......I never once saw her funbags......she does not like her boobies, and refuses to remover her I cannot even comment on her milkbubbles, as I never saw them..........but I can tell you that she has a silky smooth valley, with a never-ending river running thru it when she gets going (if ya know what I am sayin). As a matter of fact, that river starts flowing almost immediately, and you are like, "damn!" rocked.

Anyway, she flew back to Kansas, we talked on the phone, and via email, then the classic Unklebry move happened........I started to get all hung up on her in my mind.........not anything she did, she was ultra cool the whole time........bit in my head I started to build things up really bigtime and started avoiding her calls and emails, (I know, dumbass move)...I think she tired quickly of me being an idiot, and next thing I knew, she was dating some yahoo guy (Sams Club Boy) and was moving in with him........we pretty much lost touch after that.......last I know of, she is dating a guy who didnt buy her anything for Xmas......not even a card (which would have been lame anyway, but stilll would have shown a smidge of effort).........not sure why, be Megan always seems to hook up with guys who are nowhere good enough for her.....she is a top notch gal---cool, easy to get along with, appreciates the hair metal genre of music, looks great (Hell, check out the pic), and is an overall great catch. Man, I got kind of sappy and emo on that one didnt I?

Sorry, can't help it........I can't say stuff face to face, but when typing stuff out, it just flows......maybe I have a future as a gangsta typist.......what with my flow, but lack of verbal ability?

Anyway, like I said, she will be reading this, and probably will think......"hell, our thing was cool and all that......but dang, that dude is imagining things if he thought it was that good....or maybe not...perhaps she will say in a comment".

Megan.......thanks for sending the pic and not saying right off that I am an ass for writing about you on here...drop me an email or something, and I am gonna shoot you my cell # in an email....not going to post it here for the world to see.

Todays pic of the day, is the lovely Miss Megan, and the song download of the day will have to be something a little kooky ...a cool mashup of Billy Joel and Jay-Z...check it out.

Posted by Hello


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Miss Megan is being far too nice with her praise, but make a brother feel good! I would also have to counter with the fact that a person can only make the sweet love as good as the partner they are making it with.....aww yeah, girl has some crazy mad bedroom skill! In addition, she is cool as hell, which a very rare combination to find.....usually they rock in the sack and are annoying as hell, or they are ultra cool but ugly and lame in the ol' lovin' department.......if only all gals had the rockin' combo action of Miss "shaftstalker" Megan goin' on...

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I was always rooting for you two to get together.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For your amusement, unklebry:
bandname of the week


"Power to the workers of the world unite!!!"

8:30 AM  

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