Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another uneventful night..........woke up about an hour ago and had a fine dining experience......tonight was Schwanns chicken breast type things with chicken flavored pasta......not a fancy meal, but downright tasty. I still didnt accomplish a darn thing on the auctions that I wanted to get done.......ended up getting home from work, then watching tv for a while and falling asleep. For some reason I am finding it extremely difficult to get motivated........I set my alarm to wake up at 4pm today, ended up hitting snooze until after 6pm.......oh well, nothing I can do about it now.......I just need to get to work on that stuff right when I get home or something.......we will see if that happens tomorrow. I cannot wait to move up to Kearney........being very paranoid about being late, I always end up getting there about 45 minutes early every with drive time both ways, that puts almost an extra 3 hours daily onto my day.............and also, the Pops homestead is becoming more and more of a madhouse every day.........what used to be somewhat amusing hijinks from the Oklahoma clan now annoy the hell out of me........not their fault....they are just being themselves.......I am just becoming more and more grumpy......I dont like being around them screaming at each other constantly, it annoys is to the point where on my day off, I try and find ways to stay away from the house just so I dont have to be around all the noise and stupidity..............the only time it is even halfway normal is when the Oklahome posse go on one of their big Wal Mart adventures and it ends up being just me and Pops here.........then all is good. Anyway, as I said, getting very anxious to move up to Kearney........need to set a target date for the move......I am thinking middle of March.....or even perhaps April 1.......not 100% sure yet.....I will start looking at the rental ads in the paper here this weekend and start driving by potential places......not really needing anything fancy, and dont need tons of room, just want somewhere neat and clean. Man, reading back over this, I sound like kind of a whiny lil bitch boy........oh well. I will find out tonight if we have to work Saturday.....I actually hope we do work, as I havent had any overtime yet this week yet........if it ends up being a voluntary, I will be signing up. Had a meeting at work last night about the explosion that destroyed the Kinston, NC plant (it did the same type work that we do) turns out that it was a dust a nutshell, polyethylene dust had accumulated si the space between the drop ceiling and the 2nd floor........this somehow managed too get into the cooling ducts for a large industrial type electric motor......somehow (they dont know how) this dust got agitated into a dense cloud around the motor, and the normal sparking of the brushes in the motor ignited this dust cloud........which moved across the space between the drop ceiling and the 2nd floor, feeding itself and gaining energy, until it finally grew so huge it ended up blowing the walls, roof, etc off the place......if I remember right there were 4 people killed, and several more injured.....the whole place was destroyed both from the blast, and the fire after the blast.....can't imagine what was going through those guys heads when a huge explosion happens right in your workplace.......I worked with several of the folks who were there when it happened.........they were temp. relocated here to Neb. for a while.......but they didnt talk much about the event, and it isnt the sort of thing you want to bring know "tell me about the day when your co-workers got blown up" Anyway, the company has taken every possible step to ensure this type of thing cant happen in the other plants......and are touring all the plants showing us pictures, diagrams, etc and explaining the whole thing......which I thought was pretty stand up of would have been easier and cheaper to send a memo, but this was much better. I have more that I want to write about, but am running out of it is time for me to go shower and prepare for work.......maybe I will write some more in the morning when I get of the day today is the mighty Corrosion Of Conformity doing Clean My Wounds---a killer song, they are getting ready to release a new record and go out on tour, saw them once in Lawrence, KS and they were great.....that night they played with Machine Head and Drain STH...all 3 bands were great, a very fun night. Download the song here And today our picture of the day is my buddy Mistershawn dozing away in the chair when i went to visit over the xmas holiday in San Antonio. I'm sure he will be thrilled to check this out and see a pic of himself sleeping....hahaha Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

ahhh most excellent music link today tyvm! yes poly dust is very explosive...poly is made from oil dude! I made a potato cannon some years back and tried various accelerants and found that poly dust (had a job making plastic bags) worked as well or better than regular old flour (the kind you bake with) KA BOOM....launched a potato outta sight...kool but kindof scarry too. maybe thats why i quit that crap. lol

10:52 AM  

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