Sunday, January 30, 2005

Well, finally finished up 99.9% of all the packaging of stuff to ship out.......only have 1 left to do, and I ran out of customs I will pick some up tomorrow when I stop by the post office and then get that one finished tomorrow when I wake up. Didn't get any of the listings done this weekend that I wanted to, so I will work on them off and on through this week and hopefully have a mega-listing to go up next Sunday night. For this week, I will just lower prices and relist the stuff that no one bought last week.....easy enough to do and doesnt take long at all....much faster than creating new listings. I am a happy boy today....while cruising thru the Metal Sludge bulletin boards, I found a link that someone posted to several live Wildhearts shows that I can download......yippee!!! As you all know, the Wildhearts are my favorite band of the moment. They should be huge in the US, but dorky kids of today would rather listen to crap like Linkin Park than real rock.....dammit, it just isn't right. Anyway, I am downloading a show right now, but on my slow ass dial up connection, it will take probably all week before I finish getting everything I want off of this site. I have about an hour and a half before I get ready for work.......going to do those re-listings of unsold items and maybe burn a new assorted music CD to listen to on the way to work today........Tonight on the dinner menu ...ha ha won't believe it, I didnt even know they made it....Chicken Helper.....basically it is like stove top stuffing that you throw chunks of chicken into....I thought it was very tasty and ate quite a bit, but damn.....another Helper meal! Who woulda thunk also came with some type of gravy stuff, but that didnt look so tasty to me, so I left it alone. Young Waylon has went back and started playing GTA: Vice City.....guess he is tired of San Andreas already and needed a change of scenery. Josh and Sheila are both at work today, so nothing new from them......I actually see them for a grand total of maybe a half hour every week, so maybe they are doing funny crap I could report on and I just dont see it......hmmmm, have to get with Dad and find out the entertaining news. Dad is doing okay, he was travelling for work most of the week, so I didnt see much of him either. I did get to see him a little bit today, we talked about how sad it is that Waylon is so far behind in school......Dad actually went out and bought a Cat In The Hat book to sit down and read through with Waylon, it is really sad when I think about his age, I was reading novels and had subscriptions to several magazines that I read cover to cover every month, and here is a kid that can't read something intended for kids 5 years younger than him........I am sure a lot of it goes back to Sheila and Janett.....I have never once seen either of them reading a book, the only thing they read is the Wal-Mart flyers in the paper every week to see how much they will save when they go load up on junk they have no use for. I dont know what the hell they would do without a TV......probably just sit in a chair and veg out all day.....I can see either of them actually wearing an adult diaper and just shitting themself so they didnt have to get up and walk to the bathroom..........well, maybe that is a little extreme of a thought, but probably not that far fetched. My good buddy Mistershawn will probably read this and he will be happy to know that I tracked down the Jay-Z "Grey Album" for can be downloaded from this site.... Yep, good lookin' out from Unklebry, huh? I am just thoughtful like that. And the lovely creature that is pictured in todays blog?? Yep, it is Paris all decked out in her Sunday best........I dont care if she is a trampy, lazy-eyed freak, I think she is hot and just wants to be held. Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

Thanks for the music link on your last post...even tho i'm an old fart i listen to all types of music. I have been in many diferent style bands in past years (i've play'd a guitar for 40 years and have seen it all with kleg lights in my eye.) I finially had enuf of the road and the measely pay and quit the playing quasi professionally. Now it's just for fun with the family and some very talented kids that I cannot seem to keep up with anymore. I often share stories of the road with them and encourage them to pursue music as a career knowing that the road is a long and difficult one with the odds stacked against them. I now would rather watch and listen than play and sing. Its now much more fun if we can pack it in after a short night than to stay till the cows come home. ohh for the good ol days again. Thats enuf reminicing\ramblin when all I wanted to do was thank you for the link and ask you to please post more if you have em. take care dude

1:54 PM  

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