Saturday, January 29, 2005

Just got home from work.........not a bad week, ended up putting in 56 hours again this week.....that makes 2 weeks in a row of 56, maybe next week I will shoot for 60 hours........looks like we will keep having overtime available for at least a while, which is a good thing. Today I have to get even more packages ready to ship out on Monday, not sure how many left, but around 20 or so......probably take a couple of hours......then I will start trying to do my huge auction listings for this week......want to post a ton of them and clear out some of the stuff I have sitting here that I have been meaning to list, but just havent gotten around to it yet......still have about 50 or so LP's that I got direct from Alternative Tentacles Records that I need to get listed.......the list just goes on and on......oh well, something to keep me occupied, huh? I hope all reading this are having an outstanding weekend..........mine is just beginning, and I should probably lay down and get some sleep, but dont really feel tired right now......ended up having an easy night at to run a single deck mold (which means that the shit was easy and I didnt have to work very hard)......should be on that same thing on Monday, (okay....late Sunday night for all you people with normal work schedules) so that will be cool, probably try and pull a 12 hour day to start off the week right. Still havent received my other W2, dammit.....wanted to get my taxes done this weekend......maybe when I pop down to the post office here ina little while, it will be there waiting for me........that would be cool. I plan on getting a decent size refund, as I worked a lot of overtime last year, and they tax that pay at around 40%, so you are supposed to end up getting about 5-10% back........especially because from September thru the end of the year, overtime pretty much dried up, so my annual income ended up being less than the projected income I was being taxed on while working all those mega-hours............anyway, enough about that.....I am going to drain the weasel and smoke a fine blend of domestic and Turkish........maybe I will do another post when I get done..........but then again, maybe I wont.......leave me comments, I need attention. Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

hey dude, just stumbled on your blog and thought i would let ya know it looks good. sounds like you work as much as I do. feel free to check out my joke blog. I usually dont post too much personal stuff cuz there are a few lurkers out there that might cause me sum grief if i told some of the stories about them lol. anyhow hav a good un and take care.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Hey......thanks for commenting on my blog! I am amazed that anyone actually read it besides the folks that I told to go there....I checked out yours and you should feel proud, I copied a couple things and they got forwarded out on now I have you bookmarked and will keep checking it out, keep it up!

4:23 PM  

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