Sunday, January 23, 2005

Well, ended up getting about 8 hours of sleep, which is pretty good. I went up to the gas station and got a 44oz fountain pop, so I am all set to watch some tv for a while, then package up a few records to mail out...packages going to Australia, Denmark, Belgium, and even a few within the USA.....seems that folks who still buy metal albums on vinyl are mainly outside of the United States.......oh well, doesnt bother me much, just more paper to fill out, as you have to fill out a customs form whenever you ship packages outside of the States. Janett is currently whipping up another of her culinary it is chicken helper.........hahah, no kidding---last night hamburger helper, tonight chicken helper, what will tomorrow bring to us? Perhaps pork helper? Maybe even lamb helper? Not sure what other kinds of meat can be helped by noodles and flavor packets......hopefully she will not turn to the dreaded tuna helper....that stuff smells like an old ladies dirty drawers.....I dont want to smell that crap. Saw a cool picture of our Commander in Chief with his 2 daughters.........and I cant remember her name, but the blonde slutty one who is always getting boozed up in Austin is showing the world just how much she loves the metal.......which is kinda cool.....just after holding up this hand sign, she yelled "I fucking love Slayer.......aahhhhhhh REIGN IN BLOOD" or something to that is the pic.  Posted by Hello


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