Friday, February 04, 2005

Good morning to everyone.......just got home from work and decide to pop on here for a second.........Amy finally broke down and registered so she can comment up on this thing.........right I know of at least 5 people who have looked at this thing......and hey.......if you read this, pass the address along to anyone you know that I know.......I have been out of touch for so long, it would be cool to get some comments from people I havent talked to in ages.........and if you just stumble across this page and find it fascinating, feel free to pass the address along to your friends........tell them they need to leave a comment and at least say hi though.....dammit! I finally enabled the ability to post anonymous if someone wants to be all stealthy like a ninja and tell me I am an asswipe.....I wont even know who you are. Anyway, as I mentioned, just got home from an easy night at work......only 8 hours, and really only worked about 2 hours.......the other 6 hrs my machine was down, and I did random tasks which were quite easy, so that was cool........another 8 hours tonight and then I will be at my whopping 1 day weekend........woohoo! When I stopped to get my 44oz refill for the drive home, I bought a scratch off lotto ticket and won 7 bucks.....kept 5 and bought 2 more tickets......won 2, got 2 more tickets.....lost on both......oh well, free 44oz coke and 3 bucks more than I went in with......not a bad deal. I am still planning on being mega-auction boy this weekend......I think if I have a fairly easy night at work, I may just go at it right when I get home, and wait to go to sleep.......that is probably the best time for me to get some work done anyway, no one else around to bother me........which is a good thing. Pops just came downstairs to say hello, then said "wait, I will talk to you in a minute.......I have to pee"........hahaha it is true..but I just typed it because he reads this and will get a kick out of me talking about it on here. Anyway, back to what I was saying......gonna be mega-auction weekend, at least that is the plan. No new happenings from the white-trash-tribe-kinda relative group this week really, Josh finally got his car running.....which is a good thing, Waylon continues to lie a lot......he traced a horse head and insists to me that he drew it freehand..........Janett bummed a smoke from me (whoops bought.....she insisted on giving me 20cents....I told her it was okay I didnt want it......she laid it on my stuff, so what the heck)........Sheila.....I have only seen her for a few minutes the entire week, so no news on her. Well, enough about me for the moment........todays download link is a good are 21 complete Rollling Stones albums you can download.....including most of the old good stuff......go get them while they are still there And the picture for today is the mighty hand of metal protecting the world.....aww yeah! Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

i musta missed it....and it was such a great link with all the stones is down as of 10:30 central WAAAAAH!

8:26 AM  

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