Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Good evening everyone..........just got out of the shower........I was a lazy bastard today....after I got home from work, I watched tv for a while......then got all wrapped up in "The Buddy Holly Story".........forgot what a good movie that is.......anyway, I had to watch the whole thing......you know, couldnt remember how it ended......hahaha, anway, finally got to sleep around 11am, then slept thru til 8pm, showered and now it is about time to leave again..........damn, not getting much accomplished at all. I havent even worked any overtime yet this week........oh well, I am declaring this week a "take it easy week" Talked to Tom Haerich last night for almost an hour, that was cool kind of playing catch up with him.......told him about this blog, as he is the one who sort of inspired the whole thing, as he is the ultimate writer of journal.......he has been doing it for quite a while, and is up to his 10th volume..........Cant believe he is getting married.........well, forget that........It isnt that surprising, he falls hard and fast for girls........but I was still surprised that he got into so quickly after the split up with Tammy......with her hounding him so much to get married and all that.....didnt think Tom would be in the mode to jump into it with someone else that quick.........but it does sound like the boy is happy with this gal, so hopefully it goes good. I have not been able to reach Amy for a long ass time now...I swear it has been over a month since I have actually talked to her vs. email or voicemail........oh well, I am gonna try and give her a call again tonight, but I am about 99.99% sure that I will just get voicemail again. Mizz Meredith dropped by and busted out another comment, so a big shout out to her........she is supposed to be starting a blog, I will be keeping an eye out for that...............anyway, not much else happening tonight, and it is now time for me to leave for work...........todays picture of the day is Gwen Stefani........looking all glammed up and trampy, but oh so sexy........yes, Gwen is the perfect woman, except for the fact that she is married to Bush man, Gavin.........who used to accept the weenie in his backside from Boy George..........which is fine with me......wish he would go back with Boy and leave Gwen for me....that would be pretal metal of him. Our song of the day is the Los Lonely Boys doing Heaven........it was all over the radio for a while, but now that it isnt....you need to download it and listen to it once a week......it is that good of a song... anyways, here it is and have a festive day http://www.mp3-blues.org/~fretless/jams/Los%20Lonely%20Boys/02.%20Heaven.mp3 Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

yes ur right ex-cellent music that was played frequently on the radio but hardly hear it now. I love texmex, but I say that about just about anykind of music cept for the britney and ashley crap eeeeuuuuu (that trash not worthy of air time). Ive got it on repeat now and listened 3 times and going for number 4 now. thank you very much!

6:39 AM  

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