Monday, February 07, 2005

Hello, welcome to my nightmare.......haha just kidding. Arrived home from work about 15 minutes ago.........decent night, only 8 hours worked, so I am not that tired at all. I am working on a "specialty" project right now......there are currently 2 people trained to mold these products, but one of those folks is going to 2nd shift, so I was selected to be trained as his replacement, which is pretty cool, no additional pay or anything.......but cool to be chosen for it. Anyway, that was about the excitement at work..........something very funny happened yesterday though......Dad shared this story with me just as the Super Bowl was starting.......apparently Josh had taken a shower yesterday morning (downstairs bathroom) and then shortly after that Janett decided she was going to take a, normally she bathes upstairs.....but for whatever reason she chose to shower downstairs.......anyway, she goes to get in the shower, putting her shampoo and whatever on the little shower shelf thing and notices on the back wall of the shower a big load dripping down........she runs out of the bathroom, locates Dad and yells to him that Josh was "whackin' off" in the shower.....hahahahha I think that is too damn also made me thing......usually when you are in the shower, there is water flowing and splashing about everywhere.....if he unleashed a load on the shower wall that was still that easily detected, it must have been a whopper.........I mean damn! Maybe instead of mocking him or complaining about it, she should be like "you should see the load my son shot.......he must have saved up a week for that one!" because in my mind, a load that huge is something to be rather proud of.......but then again, maybe I am just an oddball. Mistershawn and Sparky are still stumped as to the mystery boob pic posted below......every time I talk to him he gives me another is it her? Or her....or her? You get the point........thus far he has not guessed correctly.........and the bad thing is, when he finally does (if he does) guess correctly, I shouldnt tell him he is correct, as I should really keep the identity of the mystery mammary woman a secret..........damn, being an upstanding young citizen with good morals is tough : ) Well, I have to run for the moment......told Sheila I would run her up to the bank........I will have the story of her and her convict boyfriend coming up soon........some new developments in that arena over the last couple days.......anyway, leave me a comment and say hello, I havent had any comments for a couple days, so that is kind of a bummer. The download song for the moment is a treasure from Ginger of the Wildhearts playing an acoustic set somewhere and covering the Cheap Trick classic "Surrender", which is very appropriate since I have always said that the Wildhearts sound like Cheap Trick on speed or something, anyway, grab this jem of a song at I know that is a long link, but is Ginger from the happy with it! Our picture today is King Lemmy........face it, Lemmy is the real King of rock n' roll! Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

loloload! thats gross but freekin funny as long as it aint happening to moi. grats on the quasi promotion...might be lucky you didnt get a bump in pay cuz it might have moved u up a tax bracket and unk sam might take a higher percentage and you'd take home less...lmao. thats happened to me before so i dont wanna raise (just kiddin bout the raise part, but if they can only give me a raise big enuf to buy a pop with they can keep it) the greedy bast*rds. Great music link, I love acoustic and spontanious tracks. The over mixed crap comming from the record companys is as apealing as a root canal. Hav a good un dude!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to post somemore Wildhearts songs, my brother.

8:08 AM  

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