Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Rock and roll. Good morning to everyone, hope you all are having a great day/night/afternoon, whatever it is for you right now. Just got home a little while ago from work, only worked 8 hours.......a lazy bastard is what I am......damn, I want the cash from overtime, but don't want to expend all the extra effort.......the last 2 nights have been pretty challenging, learning to mold this new stuff, and it is a pain to pull out of the getting a mini-workout every 7 minutes of the night. Oh well, enough whining about that.

I finally broke down and bought a new cell phone yesterday.....todays pic is a cheezy self portrait taken with it a minute ago......pic quality is not too great, but a cool feature that I wanted to have.....never know when a chance for a cool pic is going to come up......and a bonus, it even has a built in flash on the phone. I need to learn all the damn features this thing has, but the book is all kinds of technical and requires patience, maybe I will take it with me tomorrow and read thru it on lunch or something......too much shit to do when I am at home, I need to package up about 5 more ebay items from folks who keep sending damn mail-in payments, hate that, they should all use paypal......anyway, not going to do that today, I am too tired......probably end up doing it Saturday morning like I did last weekend and send them all out at once.

I am a bit sad, Miss Sparky has not left me a blog comment in several days.......what is she thinking......doing her work and resting due to pregnancy, damn.....if I was at home all day with a cable net connection, you can bet I would be a downloading son of a gun........songs, movies, porn, etc.......hahaha all the good stuff!

I was happy I finally got to talk to Amy again, it had been a while, all is going well for her, she got all moved into her new place and sounds happy with it, so that is cool.

I think I will try and give Jason (Breakdancin' Ninja) Fiske a call here in the next couple days, finally dug out his phone number from an email he sent me a while back.........have to get updated on his adventures as of late, which are sure to be interesting, as he always does some wacky stuff.......and now that he is living out in Long Beach, CA........who knows what kind of crap he is into.

Well, that is about it for the moment.......I know, I still havent written the "ladies of Unklebry" entry about Meghan, who is the sister of Miss Sparky.......but I might just wait for Sparky to have her send me a picture of herself to post with Sparky, if you read this, get on the ball and tell her to send me a pic of herself........I have some on my old pc, but dont want to drag that out of the garage and hook it up just to get 1 picture.....I am way too lazy for that.

Our song for the moment is going to be a Wildhearts song.........yep, the greatest band in the world.....this is them doing a killer live version of their song, "Headfuck".......check it out....

Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

cool camera phone dude...i have resisted the free offers up until now. I am a working guy like u and i really really hate monthly bills that fluxuate. had a cell phone many years ago when they were even more expensive. no free minutes and i think it was .38 per minute used and the phone was as big as the book war and peace. work does provide me with one so my co-horts can find me durring work hours but its not to be used for personal contacts. i am still resisting it. anyhow great music link...hammer it out loud and proud! hav a good un'

6:51 AM  

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