Sunday, February 13, 2005

Good morning everyone. Well, sorry for the lack of blog entries the past few days, just been a lazy bastard I guess. Anyway, Saturday I ended up working, wasn't a mandatory day, but I volunteered as I am all about the money.....on the way in to work I had a nice talk with Miss Sparky....nice to catch up with her a little bit......she is now on bedrest until she pops out the baby, so she will probably be a daily visitor to this page, and she will most likely leave comments every day...(hint,,,,hint) hahah Anyway, everytime I talk to either her or Mistershawn, it makes me think about how much I really do miss them....the past couple years, they have done a lot of growing up.....I saw that a lot when I visited for xmas.....not that they act old or anything......just much more mature and grown up......they really have their shit together......I am moving in that direction, but am not up to their level yet......they really impress me sometimes. Okay, enough swinging from their sack.........hahah When I got home from work about 8:30 Saturday morning, I ended up packaging up all the ebay stuff I had to ship out, which wasnt that bad....only about 20 that all done and made it to the post office before they closed, so I am all caught up now except for the 2 people that mailed in payments......will knock those out tonight and take them with me to work.....then I can stop at the Post Office on the way home and get them out. I did some work on my upcoming "mega" about 30 album listings done......far short of the 100 that I wanted to get done......but I will probably work on it some more after I take a nap, should wake up around 3 or 4 which will give me plenty of time to get some done before my 8:00 showertime. Last night Janett actually cooked up some chicken enchiladas and spanish rice........hella tasty, I was impressed. I tried to call Amy again a few times this weekend.........that chick does not EVER answer her phone........or maybe she is just pissed at me for some unknown reason and doesnt answer.....I dunno.....she did just move into a new place, I believe last weekend, or maybe it was this weekend that is just ending.....who knows, I will try and reach her via email this week and see whats up. Sparky and I were talking about stuff I should write about on idea we came up with was discussing some of the adventures I have had with the ladies in my life.......not really anything too graphic, but kind of describing them, their personality, interests, that kind of thing......oh, and also discussing things like their boobs.......hahah I think I may have to just do that, probably attract a few more readers with some of that kind of I decided to use a pic of one of the gals that I "hung out" with for a short time......todays picture is "Sunshine".....real name is Melissa.....last known location...San Antonio, TX. I met her at her place of employment, the 24k Gold Club in San Antonio......yep, she was an "entertainer"....and this picture was taken at that club.....not by me though, it was taken by some guy who did an ad for the club they had on the net.....anyway, she was a very sweet gal.......very friendly and laid back...but kind of lacking in the ambition department.......basically if she had her way, she would lay around all day smoking pot and listening to the Pantera album "Vulgar Display of Power" over and over again. Not that there is anything wrong with that album.....I like it quite a bit, but it does get old after a while, and the pot thing is kind of old least for me......I think it smells like someones underarms who havent bathed in there really wasnt any long term future for us or anything........I saw her at her work all the time for a while, and we went out to have drinks, listen to music, etc. I believe 4 times.....and yep, we did engage in a game of hide the salami.....on 2 seperate occasions....and if I can compliment her on something here without being too crude......her "point of entry" was the smallest one on any gal I have ever kidding I was like....."Man....that thing is so small!" I am not a John Holmes kind of guy (not even close) but I was worried about parking in a space that small if you know what I mean. Anyway, it did indeed work fine after you coaxed it into action. You can't really tell from this pic, but she had one of the greatest butts of all time....especially in high heels and a little, one look at that and I was hooked......then you talk to her and she is really cool, knows good music, checks out the other chicks in the bar with you instead of getting mad at you for doing it.....all that, a helluva gal......maybe one day she will settle down and make some guy very happy.....hell, maybe she has already, I have no idea......all I can say is that my time with her was very cool, and way too short......would have enjoyed spending more time with her, but guess it just wasnt in the cards. And yes, that is a tattoo above her left boob.....if I remember right, it is a warrior princess kind of design, with a Nordic beauty holding her sword, ready to go out on the tundra and slay a mighty beast for the evening meal.......haha okay, a blonde chick, sword in hand, boobs out........I remember her telling be she wore a tank top around her Dad one day and he saw it....his comment "what are you a damn lesbian or something"......her comment back to him .."depends on the day and if the girl is hot or not"......hahah classic. Our song of the day is going to be a track called "Downtown Downer" a band called The Hybrid Children....not a famous band, but they should be.......maybe one day they will break out of Helsinki, Finland and come tour in the U.S. of A.........but I doubt it......anyway a killer song.....get it and enjoy ...remember one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time came from Finland.....the mighty Hanoi Rocks, who knows maybe these guys will step up to the plate and carry on the tradition. here it is I may get on here for another entry a bit later tonight.......who knows, anyway, leave a damn comment.......and Sparky, make sure and forward the blog link to your sis Meghan, as she will be featured in an upcoming segment of "Unklebrys ladies" hahahaha Yep, Unklebry spills the dirt.......or not? Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bry.. Thats great. I was just reading along, And I blushed to see that your fine father reads your entries, and comments on them. *LOL* Im very scared. hahahaha

8:14 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

hahah no need to worry, Pops is cool, he knows that I will be speaking the truth on here......he may not like some of the stuff I have done, but he wont freak out. BTW, he thinks your other nickname on here "Lixxgrrlz" is funny.

10:24 AM  

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