Sunday, February 13, 2005

Unkle Bry

Unkle Bry

Our friend Mistershawn is very much into the Pirate Rock movement, so I am posting this interview link.......a band called the One Eyed Jacks that he should go check out........they are at the forefront of the Pirate Rock movement. Check out the interview at:

I think it is pretty darn entertaining.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this bold new millenium, it is ALL going to be about gay pirate rock! We all can all look forward to a day (sometime very soon) when Carson Daly will be forced to play the world premiere of a new One Eyed Jacks video and interview The Swishbucklers on TRL, treating them withthe respect he now offers only to the likes of Jessica Simpson and Sum41. hahahha

8:23 AM  

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