Monday, February 14, 2005

Good home from work a little while ago........just checking email and all that, so I decided I would post a little something. Work was cool last night, easy night with no problems.....hopefully that will continue all offered overtime, but decided not to stay the extra 4 hours today.......I probably will do it tomorrow if offered.....all about the cash and everything.

Well, it was just a matter of time, but looks like Josh's car that he just got a few weeks ago is now out of service for good......sounds like he blew the motor......something will anti-freeze in his oil or something.......I am not sure, I wont even pretend to know anything about cars.......but looks like he will have to quit his job at Advance Auto in Kearney, as he will have no way to get back and forth........and in Oxford, the job pickings are pretty slim.....basically nothing that I can think of at all.........who knows maybe he will turn up something.

Well, in yesterdays post I promised some details on the brief romantic interlude with Miss Sparky's sister Meghan..........that will be coming up, but probably later tonight, as I think I am going to turn in and go to sleep for right now........hahah Miss Sparky, if you at home on bedrest reading my blog when you should be getting your work done, you will just have to check back later tonight.......and by the way, the pic above is Miss Sparky and Mister Shawns soon to be born baby, knocking back a cold one after a long day of crapping the diaper and nap taking.

I will also post the first of what will probably end up being 2 songs of the day.......1st one is Marilyn Manson doing "Get Your Gunn" from their first (and best) album.....Portrait of an American Family....was actually looking for the song "Cake and Sodomy" as that one is even better, but couldnt find a direct link anywhere to download that one........this one is also great, so download it and enjoy.

Ohhh...yeah, we have a potential new reader today, Stacie from work.....if you read this, Hi! Dont forget to leave a comment and say hello. is the song, download it and be happy.

Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bry! Just reading through some of your stuff, very interesting......don't worry, not gonna think any different of ya. Anyways, feelin a lil' drowsy, haven't caught any z's yet so I've only read the past couple days and I was so flattered to be mentioned wha who!!! Keep up the good work has.

7:35 AM  

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