Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hello everyone.........just another day in Nebraska all my auction stuff packaged and ready to ship out, but the post office is closed tomorrow for Presidents Day, so I will have to wait until Tuesday to actually mail out.

I also got 2 loads of laundry done (well...almost done, the 2nd load is in the dryer right now, so close enough to claim it as an accomplishment for the day)

I got a chance to speak to the lovely Miss Megan on the phone today for a bit, very nice to play a little bit of catch up with her.....we will also be chatting later while I am on my way to work...she had a scouting awards function to attend this afternoon with lil' Tony, so I am sure I will get to hear all about that, along with catching up with whats been going in her life over the past few years that I havent spoken to her, very cool.

Mistershawn started up a new blog, which anyone interested in can find at

I hope that he keeps up with it, as it would be cool to have a daily (or at least a couple times a week) glance into the life of Mistershawn and MissSparky.

Today my thoughts have been all over the place, and I am not going to write about a lot of it on here, I'll just say I have really been reflecting on life, goals, what things are actually important to me and where I would like to be at (not geographically, but more mentally, financially, and personally) in the next few years. I have already determined that the next 12 months will pretty much be spent trying to get myself 100% back on track financially.....if all pans out the way I want it to, I will be 100% debt free by then, and I will be in a position to kind of start fresh with everything, which will be a great feeling whenever I finally accomplish it. I really do plan on accomplishing this move to Kearney pretty quickly, hopefully by on or around April 1, 2005.

The rest of the day today has been pretty laid back.....not much screeching and yelling from the cast of "Deliverance" upstairs.....which is nice for a change. Waylon was camped out with me for most of the afternoon, trying to help me do my packaging for the auction stuff.....he actually did end up helping out, which was nice, as he usually ends up just getting in the way...maybe this kid can learn something after all.

Josh got a phone call from a friend who is having car troubles, so of course the Master Mechanic took off right away to take control of the situation......I wonder how much the kids parents are going to have to pay a real mechanic to fix whatever Josh and his buddy screw up while they are trying to do their half-ass repairs.

Sheila is at work right now.....she has been working a lot lately...which is great for her....she seems to be doing really well at her new job, which is cool.....but her hoodlum boyfriend will be moving up here from Oklahoma pretty quickly, as he is now out of jail....I just hope she can stick to what she has going on now, and that the jailbird boyfriend doesnt lead her down the path of laziness and drug abuse like he has done before.......I really do hope all goes well for her, but I honestly think everything will start going right down the crapper within a month of his arrival.

Pops took off today to go somewhere....can't remember where (a work thing) and I believe he is gone for the remainder of the least we have the same mobile provider, so we can talk for free......I will probably talk to him at least a couple times during the week to see how all is going for him.

Janett is being pretty laid back the last week......not nearly the amount of screeching and yelling that I have come to expect from her..which is a good thing......but lately all she has been telling Pops is that whenever Sheila moves up to Holdrege (town where she works.....about 20 miles away), she will be going to, I am not sure if she means this to be just a fairly extended visit to her "momma" or if she means she is moving back there for good.........who knows with her....I just hope she stays relatively mellow like she has been this past week.

I dont have much else to chat about for the moment.......but I will say that doing the "Ladies of Unklebry" segment has been very cool, as I have received a bunch of cool comments and emails about it, and it has put me back in touch with Miss Megan........I will probably do another segment here in a few days........but not sure who to profile next........any suggestions from out there.......let a homeboy know who you want to read about. It isnt like there is an endless list or anything, but we still have quite a few candidates to choose from.

Our picture of the day is the cover of the Wildhearts bootleg that I am currently downloading on the slow ass dialup......I have made some progress, I am on track 19 of hopefully I will have the whole thing before I leave for work tonight. Then it is off to download a boot of "Anti-product" which is another side project band of Gingers.

Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Father of UnkleBry is right...I AM hot. after all, I am incubating the pea. I am superheated all of the time.

8:55 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said... pressure felt.....who knows what the future will hold for me......I think I will be the last one to main priority right now is just getting back to even so I can have a fresh start.

Pops.....Sounds like Josh is again acting like a 2 year old....damn, I think little Samuel is more mature than him. And you are right, Ms Megan and Ms Sparky are a hard to beat swingin' sister combo.

Mizsparky....I dont think it is the pea making you superheated, it is all those hours spent in front of the computer looking at pictures of Bono that is getting you going!

Man......I came home to 3 comments, that makes a brother smile.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said... pressure felt.....who knows what the future will hold for me......I think I will be the last one to main priority right now is just getting back to even so I can have a fresh start.

Pops.....Sounds like Josh is again acting like a 2 year old....damn, I think little Samuel is more mature than him. And you are right, Ms Megan and Ms Sparky are a hard to beat swingin' sister combo.

Mizsparky....I dont think it is the pea making you superheated, it is all those hours spent in front of the computer looking at pictures of Bono that is getting you going!

Man......I came home to 3 comments, that makes a brother smile.

10:18 AM  

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