Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Finally awake, but not really feeling rested....oh well, time to get myself all mentally prepared for work and all that stuff.

Time for entry #3 in the "Ladies of Unklebry" series......the subject this time.....Misha.

The experience with Misha began in Salina....I was working at ITI, and Misha came in as a new-hire to work for us. For some reason, she took a liking to me right away, but I didn't really even notice her.......to me, she was just another new hire coming in.

I receive a phone call at home from her, supposedly she has a question about work.....I am all asking her "how did you get my number" She just looked me up in the phone book, which I guess was easy enough, but why couldnt she have asked her questions at work? Anyway, we proceed to answer her questions, then just start talking and this stretches into a fairly long chat, nothing intense, just friendly chat about life, etc.

Then a few days later, it happens to be Valentines Day......I receive a dozen roses at work....I am kind of shocked.....like "huh..who are these from"...yep, Misha. She calls me that night and inquires as to how I liked my Valentine.....I told her it was very nice, but I can't "date" anyone from work, as that is just wrong. She understands, and the next day calls in and quits her job...then she calls me up and asks me when we can see each other as we no longer work together.......I am thinking "hmmm..well, this will be an easy score, what the heck"...so I invite her out for a meal.....it goes fine, then we head back to my place and do the dirty deed...and I discover something about her that I didnt know........(revealed later in the post..pay attention)

This goes on for a while...then she starts to want to be together all the time....like sitting in my driveway waiting for me to get home...calling me all hours of the day and night...and for a time when I was driving to Hutchinson, KS daily for work, there were several times she would be waiting at the Interstate off ramp for me to drive by on my way home....kind of stalker-ish if you ask me, so I told her I didnt want to hang out anymore....any thoughts of "hey, shes a really nice girl" that I had were now totally gone....now she just annoyed the hell out of me on a daily basis....even after I told her I didnt want to hang with her anymore....the phone calls, notes on my car, notes on the door of my house, following me around town, all kinds of crazy stuff like that.

I decide, well.....I will keep doin the nasty with her when I strike out elsewhere...(not nice, but she kind of set herself up for it)...I remember one night at "Randy's" (nightclub in Salina) I was all trying to hook up with a gal, and was not having much success....the DJ at the club said "Hey Bry, what are you doing when the club closes".......I kind of looked around, saw Misha standing about five feet away from me, waiting for me to give her some attention....and I responded to him in a very loud voice "I will be taking her home to do the nasty, if I strike out with the hottie that I have been chasing all night"...he laughs and looks over to her and asks if she indeed is cool with being the 2nd string whoopie girl.......she says yes and giggles.

There is one more memorable adventure with her that is indeed kind of harsh and better left unsaid.........................but I will say it, only not tonight.....I have run out of time..........so tune in tomorrow for Part II of "The Ladies of Unklebry: The Misha Months"

Our photo for this evening........that is me with a dollar bill in my teeth, hovering over Amy (Lixxgrlz), this pic was taken in Wichita, KS when Unklebry and Mistershawn went to Wichita one time.....after an evening of fun at Glamour Girls, we adjourned to Hopes house to hang out and chat for a bit, and I ended up having a few pics taken with the nifty disposable cam. How Rock and Roll, huh?

Posted by Hello


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

There are a few left.....not sure how many I actually have entertaining stories about.....sorry, dont have any more mystery boobie pics......I know that is a let down, but got rid of most of those, and the videos too......hahahah

6:19 AM  
Blogger unknown said...

lol your a dog man! but aint we all..hit and run dude. remember that men are just here to procreate the species and spank that arse. the way i see it if women dont hav an orgasum oh well...if men dont its the end of the world! spread that seed man! while your still single and its socially acceptable...sorta. hav a good un

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unklebry just has that aura about him...ladies love unklebry. if only they knew all his gross habits. but they would probably still love him, like I do!

8:22 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Gross habits.......me? None....I am a well behaved young gentleman.

6:06 AM  

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