Monday, February 21, 2005

Good morning everyone......just got home a few minutes ago from work....started the week off with a 12 hour Monday, so that was cool.....all went well and it was a decent day. Ended up chatting on the phone with Miss Megan for quite a while last night.....very cool to be able to play catch up about what has been going on with each of us for the past few years.....she is just killer and fun to talk to, so I will be calling her again tonight.......maybe she will be sick of my voice by then, but we'll see : ) Getting pretty tired right now, so I will end this post and try to wake up with enought time to post this evening before I get ready for work......todays pic is kind of fuzzy and grainy looking.......that is because it is a pic I took with the camera phone of an old picture that I had in my photo album.......this, I believe, was taken in Austin on New Years Eve several years ago.....we (Mistershawn, Mizsparky, and Unklebry) had gone up to Austin to go out and celebrate, and this was us at the hotel prior to dressing up for the evening (Mistershawn felt it was only appropriate that we get all suited up for the evening....and when we did, we did indeed look pretty much like much so that I didnt bother to take any pics....but I think Mizsparky has some of us all dressed up......cannot remember for sure though....I do remember that night Sparky got way liquored and Mistershawn pretty much had to babysit her for the rest of the evening......I ended up taking off and going bar-hopping with some gal from Chicago that I met that night.....and then had her drop me off at the hotel at the end of the night.......only thing was, I had her drop me off at the wrong damn Holiday looked right.......but nope I needed the one clear across town.......duhhhh...had to pay the cab driver guy like fifty bucks to ignore his current call and drive me to the correct hotel........that pretty much sucked) Anyway, have a rock and roll day, and feel free to leave comments......already 3 comments left on yesterdays post, so that was hella cool! Posted by Hello


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

My daddy raised me to be a pervert

6:33 AM  

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