Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hello everyone, welcome inside the Electric Circus! (ok, not really, but it sounded good)

Well, it has been a relaxing weekend, didnt have the option of working Saturday this week, so only ended up putting in 48 hours this last week......not that great...hopefully I will be able to have a rock and roll week this week.......shooting for a minimum of 60 hours, but we will see what happens.

I have been chatting daily with Miss Megan, and really digging it......I think I am getting really hung up on her, I know that pretty much every day I sit around and think, "ok....wait for a while to call her, you dont want to look too eager to chat with her, all stalker style or anything"..but then when I talk to her she says a lot of the same things, like "oh I dont want to keep bugging you" hahaha, you all know how that is like...both people trying to make super nice and be all polite and all that stuff....hell, I dont know...just know that talking to her is pretty much the highlight of my day. Ok, now that I sound all sappy and sentimental, we will move on to another topic.

Talked to MizzSparky the other day, her Moms and sister Allison are down in San Antonio visiting her and attending her baby shower....when I spoke with them, they were visiting the Queen of Pedicures in San Antonio, the mighty Stacie....(you can see pics of her below...the hottie blonde gal wearing glasses and pointing at some lovely red toes she had just finished working her magic on)...Stacie was given the web addy of this blog, and she may check it out...If you do check it out, make sure to post a comment! And feel free to send many hot naked pics of yourself to my email! (ok, even non naked pics would be cool)

Former co-worker Mark Matich has checked in from California and posted a comment on the blog...that was pretty cool....of course being a true computer ninja, he had to comment on the low quality of the pics I post (resolution and size, not content).......but, I think the stellar writing and storytelling more than makes up for the pic quality issue.....and Mark...everytime I think of you, I still think of you and Chris Patton double teaming the lady with the dog food breath....that thought is just forever associated with you. Mark got the blog addy from Jason Fiske, who must have checked it out...but failed to leave a comment, that wacky biznitch.......Jay, if you read this...leave a damn comment.

Thanks to Mistershawn, Mizzsparky, Megan (Shaftstalker..hahah), Eyerocker, and Fatherofunklebry for posting comments on a regular basis...makes me smile when I come home from work and there is feedback to check out.

Anyway, ready for some perversion and depravity? Okay, ready, set, is

Ladies of unklebry volume III-Misha (part 2)

Okay, we will pick up the story with a reminder that I am not really digging Misha all that much, she is a cool girl and all, but really stalker-style and constantly just showing I had told her that I didnt want to "see" her like a girlfriend or anything, but if she wanted to keep doing the nasty, then I would continue to do the deed with her whenever I wasnt chasing some other skirt (that is what us cool daddio's call a chick). Anyway, she was down with this and didnt mind playing 2nd string we will pick up there.

At the time, I had a roommate living with me...the Midwest Master of Metal, the mighty Paul Anaya ....anway, one day, Misha was over hanging out and watching tv with us....nothing exciting going on at all...Paul gets up and calls me to the kitchen....he tells me "dude, lets try and get her naked...that will be fun"...I was like, "ok, whatever" we go back to the living room and Paul starts talking about chicks, then starts talking about panties...and asks Misha what kind she is wearing...then he prompts her to show them....and Misha, being the shy and reserved type that she is.....promptly drops trousers and is showing us her emerald green silky style bikini style drawers.....(I remember clearly, because somehow these ended up hanging on my bedroom ceiling fan for a while...put them up there as a joke, and they just stayed for a while)

Anyway, Paul is admiring Mishas silky underthings and I am pretty much just laughing and keep watching tv....then Paul and Misha start whispering to each other....I am thinking- Paul is going to get himself a slice of that...go to town". All of a sudden Paul leaves, goes to the other room, and returns with the video camera...I was just like "whatever"

Misha, never one to shy away from attention, promptly pulls down her shirt and has the boobies out...Paul starts touching them and I am laughing....Paul then prompts me to come over and mess with her boobies on camera...thinking this is going to be funny to watch, I do that....and it is amusing for a few minutes, then I go back to watching tv....Paul and Misha start whispering again and all of a sudden Misha runs over to the couch I am sitting on and pulls down my shorts (remember those wacky Hawaiian print jams?) and starts playing a tune on the flesh flute...I look over at Paul who has a huge grin and the video camera....he says "dude just go with it" I am like whatever...

Misha plays a couple of tunes on the ol' flesh flute and I decide, why not go all the I tell her to stand up and take off her drawers...she does this, then I tell her to assume the position, and I start playing hide the salami with her.....which is fun, but the really funny thing is Paul...who is moving all around us, getting different angles and all that and his comments of "yeah Bry, bang her like you mean it!" make me laugh even while doing the deed...after a while Misha starts to complain that she is tired of being in that position, and wants to see what she looks like on the we sit down (I put back on my shorts..Misha stays naked..Paul still fully clothed)...and start to watch this little masterpiece of cinema.

The video is pretty cool, Paul may have a future in directing flicks for the adult entertainment industry...any Vivid Video reps who read my blog and want to hire him to a multi picture deal, just contact me and we will work out a finders fee. Anway, this gets Misha really turned on, seeing herself being banged on we adjourn to the bedroom....and Paul follows us in...I lay down on the bed and she starts playing my flesh flute again....Paul starts to disrobe and is playing with her pink taco....which is kinda crazy, but remember, I dont care one way or the other about this gal...she is simply a moist place to rest the tubesteak whenever the need comes up...this goes on for a while then Paul announces that he has to pee and will return....the moment he is out of the room, I tell Misha to get up, and turn ther she is on all fours, facing the wall and hanging onto the headboard....Paul returns and I am hitting it that way, so of course Paul really has no option to get in on the action, as her face is right up against the headboard...he is like "damn, dude that is wrong" and adjourns to his bedroom.....I presume to rock a solo mission.

Anway, that was the wackiest adventure with Misha....and a funny memory....the video evidence was destroyed long ago, Misha wanted to take it with her, I refused and yanked the tape out of the video housing and actually burned it out on the driveway....there were a few other Misha stories like her giving the mouth sex in the car and us pulling over and me banging her bent over the car, right on the highway with the car still running....her doing little stripteases in the living room for me and Paul....specifically to the tune "Rumpshaker" by Wrexx N Effects...that kind of thing, but the video incident is the most funny and memorable...

Oh, and the secret thing about Misha that I promised to divulge about her when I first brought her up.....if you are still wondering what lil secret thing I have held back.....

Misha was about 8 months pregnant during this time! ha!

Okay, that was a fun trip down memory lane..........I wonder who I should do for my next entry on here? Have to give that one some thought.

I am going to end the post there for always, comments are appreciated and all that stuff.

The picture of the day posted above is Mistershawn, his son Cody, and Unklebry...this was taken in Wichita, KS long ago when we went there to celebrate Cody's birthday.

Our song of the day is from a fairly new band...but a band that just rules...combine old T Rext stylings with a but more modern chunky guitar riffs, and throw in some of the melodic Cheap Trick singalong kind feel....and you get Crash Kelly...this track is called "She Gets Away" it, listen to it, love it, thank me later for turning you onto them. Hey, you know they are gonna be good, they are on the same record label as the mighty Hanoi Rocks...cant get much cooler than that.

Okay, time to go call Miss Megan!

Posted by Hello


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