Sunday, March 13, 2005

Gay Cowboys and Midwest Master of Metal

This pic was found on Mark Matich's myspace is Jason Fiske, Mark Matich, and some unknown dude (in a cowboy shirt) Thought it was too funny they are called the Gay Cowboy Shirt Mafia.

I havent updated on this blog for shit this past week........been a lazy real excuse, but here I am on Sunday, ready to rock.

Well, first thing is that I didnt beat last weeks work schedule.......did a mere 52 hours this week, which was all that was available to me.......dammit. I was hoping to score 64 at least.......but as you know, The Man will hold us down and oppress us with fewer overtime hours....we will see what this week holds.

2nd thing is that I did find a place to live in Kearney, put my deposit down on it yesterday and will be moving in on/around April 1st.......not anything fancy, but it is clean and will do the job for the next year while I work on/finish paying off all of my old debts, so that is cool......when I finally get all relocated, it will also save me a little over 2 hours drive time every day, which will be happenin'.

3rd thing is finally reconnecting with The Midwest Master of Metal, Paul Anaya........he tracked me down thru this blog and we have been able to talk on the phone a couple times now........hella cool to play catch up with him and all that............but you know we are getting old when we spend more time talking about 401k plans and mutual funds instead of talking about banging chicks and, he has grown up a lot---married and has a boy, Cameron, who is 2 1/2 already.........hard to believe Paul being someones Dad.......but it is cool hearing him talk about it....he will do it well.

MizzSparky should be popping out that lil bundle of joy, Lola, here before too long........wish it would happen soon, as the poor girl is at the point she cant get hardly any sleep at night.....maybe Mistershawn needs to give her a lil sumthin' sumthin' and that will prompt the baby to come out faster? hahahah you laugh, but remember.........worked for Misha, mere hours after the banging, she popped the kid right out......who knows?

I havent accomplished dick on the huge mega-auction listings I wanted to get done this weekend......maybe I have adult ADD.......cant find a way to get myself focused on one task and complete it......dammit.

And finally, we come to Miss Megan................

I am hooked on her........cant help it...the other night, we didnt get a chance to talk on the phone and I was all jonesin' "uhhhhh...need to talk to her..uhhhhh" That isnt normal for me....but we have been chatting on the phone every night for a few weeks now, and it is the bright point of my day. I only wish we lived closer to each other.......I mean, 5 hours isnt really that far.........but damn...if it was only an hour or something.........I would be a wreck, driving back and forth constantly...haha

Megan has the combo that I just dont really find in ladies, and here is what I mean.

1)Hottie......that is always a good thing.
2)Doesnt hate my stupid interests.......rare that she doesnt tell me my music/books/movies, etc are too stupid and I need to grow up.
3)Smart........finally someone who looks good who is intelligent! This is the hardest part to find.....usually you find bright girls who are all ugly, or you find hottie girls who are dumber than a when you find both things in
4)Freaky/but not too much..........hahaha yep, she a lil' bit of a freak, but not constantly........which is cool, she knows how to turn on the goodtime-party-fun-wild-girl mode, but also knows when to turn that switch off, another rarity.

Okay, enough swinging from Megan's sack..........(well she doesnt have a sack....but you know what I am saying......) Just boil all this stuff down into the idea that I am really into her, and that is a good thing.

Well, it is almost noon, so I have 6-7 hours to try and tackle some of this auction listing stuff.......I am off to call Miss Megan (again..hahah cant help myself) and get a bigazz 44oz fountain pop, then get started with the auctions........

Drop me some comments and stuff, a brother get lonely out here in the Wastelands of Nebraska.

Posted by Hello


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Pops busted out a funny......actually pretty darn good......made me laugh.

6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gay cowboy shirt mafia is badass. We dont do any crazy shit like listen to KMFDM, or shoot up schools, or have shitty hair. We get hardcore.

By hardcore i mean drunk and obnoxious and we dress like assholes.

4:34 PM  

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