Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Damn, the power of the blog. Got an email from The Midwest Master of Metal himeself....the might JPA ........not sure where the hell he is, if he is still in Salina or what.......but will soon find out when he answers my email or calls........how damn cool is that, you write about a guy in a couple of blog stories and he finds you......that is pretty rock and roll. The thing that is even funnier is that name he used to post the comment with is a name that I recognize from Sludge.......so we have probably both been posting on Sludge and just didnt realize who the other was.........crazy.....oh well, not much else to say, as usual getting ready to head for work, 32 minutes until I call Miss Megan......and of course, we are now down to only 18 days until the mighty Motorhead show! Posted by Hello


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