Saturday, March 26, 2005

Can a brotha get a table dance?

Sorry for the crappy quality of the pic above, but it was the best I could do, having to take a pic of a picture with the cam phone and then email it to myself.......this is the best it could get.

This pic was taken several years ago when I lived in San Antonio and came to Nebraska for Xmas.....then rented a car and drove down to Kansas to hang out for a few this pic from left to right we have: Josh (the wild dude who always nails all the hot chicks....including Jessica Thomas......the punkass), Paul (the Midwest Master Of Metal), Amy (also known as Lixxgirlz...currently licking away in Florida), and Connie (who at the time was the object of Amy's mad tongue..hahah).

Can you believe I slept for almost 16 hours last night.........a brother must have needed a battery recharge or something......didnt realize I had slept so long, woke up and looked at the was 12:45 or something.......thought it was afternoon, then turned on tv and realized, nope....slept thru the whole damn day........havent done that for quite a while.......when you are in the basement rec room/bedroom with no windows and no noise, it is easy to sleep pretty much forever........the only bunk thing is that I missed out on talking to Miss Megan.....tried to call her on the off chance that she would still be awake, but nope......just got voice mail and then dropped a couple text messages on her.........hopefully she wont think I am weirdo stalker boy or anything.

Mizz Sparky made an appearance commenting on the blog, kind of chastising me for not having made a post since last Sunday.........I havent been extremely busy or anything, just kind of lazy and sleeping a lot.

I have been thinking about Mizz Sparky and Mistershawn a lot lately, they are about to have the baby (well, she will have it, he will stand there and stress out and yell at the doctors, telling them how to improve their baby delivery skills......hahah j/k Chief!). Has to be a very nervous/exciting time for them.......they will have a little creature who requires much more time and attention than the 3 kitties...........and I bet they will do a super job at raising up the little one........I already know this kid is going to be spoiled rotten, but hey.......that is a good thing, right?

Spoke very briefly to JPA, the Midwest Master of Metal........seems all is going good for him, he works a lot and then does the family time thing, so not a lot of time left over for much else........I know that feeling (well, minus the family time) is funny how we can just pick up and start talking about people/stuff/whatever and time will seem like it has stood still for the past five years or so.......just pick up right where we left off, I think that is pretty cool. Sent him a bunch of links of cool crap to download.......bunch of songs and stuff, I think he dug a few of them, and a few I think he thought were crap.....but he seemed really happy to get the Love/Hate album "Blackout In The Red Room" which is a killer album, and way out of can get it on ebay if you want to pay an arm and a leg, or you can just download it for free, since Jizzy (the singer) has put it up on the web for free download.......what a nice fella, huh?

And hey, JPA....if you are checking this out, here is where you can get the complete 10 song Gene Simmons demo of Van Halen........for those not as knowledgable as the Midwest Master of Metal........before Van Halen got signed, Gene financed a demo for them and this is it......grab all 10 tracks at this site.......

Not a lot else going on here in the bowels of Nebraska........gearing up for the move coming up way too quickly.........going to get some packing/sorting/throwing away/ kind of stuff done this weekend in advance........look at me all trying to be prepared and stuff.

I have Monday off at work, it is a paid Holiday, so that is pretty happening........and then I am going to try and be lil worker boy next week.......hopefully I will be able to do at least 3 of the 12 hour days and then 8 more on Saturday........but we will see what happens.

And in case I hadnt mentioned it before, Miss Megan pretty much is the center of my attention away from work lately.........funny how close you can feel to someonw when your only contact with them is over the telephone and via text messages..........but it is happenin'.....I like being able to grab my cell phone and see "megan-new text" blinking on the screen and knowing it will be some sweet or silly msg from her........just makes my day. Anyway, enough blabbering on about her, she knows she rocks.

I will probably write a bunch more on here throughout the weekend, when I am taking a break from doing the whole auction listing thing.......actually have got quite a bit done on those over the past few days, so Sunday night I will be launching the mega listing......aww yeah.

And hey, just for shits and giggles, here is a song you need to download, it is killer, by the son of an outlaw is Shooter Jennings (Son of Waylon Jennings) doing a song called Busted In Baylor County and I think it is the shit!....grab it here.. Shooter for now........I went to get the addy of the file and they have redone the website and it isnt there too bad for you, at least I got it....we will have to have another track for download today...

How about Johnny Cash doing "Ring of Fire".....another classic you should all have already, but if there are any slackers who don't have it, you can grab it here

And if that track isnt cool enough for you, here is another soon to be classic.........the almighty Jeff Stryker (film star moving on to a career in singing) doing his Country Classic, Pop You In The have to hear this, the funniest damn thing........

And how about 1 more for today...........this time some METAL \m/ Aww yeah, here we go with Anthrax covering "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath".........I originally got this on the cassette single for the song "Indians"........still have that damn thing somewhere.......anyway, killer version of this song......

Have fun kids..............drop a homeboy a comment or two and let me know someone is actually looking at this thing every now and then.

Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LET ME OUT OF HERE! someone called "Daddy" keeps telling me to go to the light. but i can't see through the dense jungle. and some weird lady keeps telling me to quit kicking her and giving her acid reflex. tell her to stop eating!

can't wait to meet y'all. xoxo

6:56 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

hahah a comment from lil' lola.......that is too sweet!

And Miss Megan drops by since we havent talked much on the phone the last several days........rock.

7:03 AM  

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