Sunday, April 03, 2005

I ganked this picture from Mistershawn's blog!

Too damn funny

I bust on over to Mister Shawn's blog, and just happen to get there a mere 15 or 20 minutes after he updated it.......with pictures of me! This pic was indeed taken on New Years Eve in Austin, TX while at the hotel preparing to head out on the town. Notuce me with the snazzy green suit, with shiny blue shirt-collar all hanging out late Seventies style........yep I was happening this night. Miss Sparky, of course, looks ravishing in her faux leopard coat........what a wacky evening that ended up being.

We went out to some bar......can't remember what it was called......and proceeded to get all liquored up...Miss Sparky happened to get really liquored, really fast....if I remember correctly, she was drinking Belvedere martinis.......I was drinking Stoli & Tonic, with a twist of lime......and Mister Shawn was drinking Jack and Water.......I know, big shocker there.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, Miss Sparky got all kinds of bombed really early in the evening, and Mister Shawn and her were having a bit of a spat at the bar..........ended up being an early evening for them, Mistershawn took her back to the hotel for a bit of babysitting the boozer----Sorry Miss Sparky, but that is pretty much the way it was......

I, on the other hand, was not quite ready to call it an evening, so I took off with this young lady that I had met in the bar......she was in town for New Years from Chicago........cant remember her name or anything, just remember that we kind of stumbled in and out of several bars up and down 6th street until the wee hours of the morning........she had a rental car and took me back to the hotel.........except, in my drunken haze, I had her drop me off at the Holiday Inn East, when I was actually supposed to be at the Holiday Inn know, the one where we were staying and all my stuff was, and Mistershawn and Miss Sparky were eagerly awaiting my arrival?

I had to bribe a cab driver I spotted rushing away from the hotel...gave him fifty bucks off the meter to run me the 5 or 6 miles to the other hotel.........that sucked.......but at least I got back to the hotel in 1 piece....

Miss Sparky was all passed out (fake eyelash all hanging off of her know all ghetto style)...and Mister Shawn popped open the bottle of champagne he had in the room, we toasted each other and smoked a few Camel Lights (only the finest blend of domestic and Turkish tobacco for us)...then called it a night.

Ahhhhh, the good old days................really reminds me how much I miss those two..........we had some hella good times...........there were not so great times too, but the great times far outweigh those.......take my words of advice......

When you find some really great friends who feel more like family than friend, hang on to doesnt happen often, and when it does, do whatever you can to make sure it lasts forever.


Oh yeah, and I cant forget to say METAL \m/ (that is the horns up sign for metal if you cant figure it out...aww yeah)
Posted by Hello


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