Sunday, May 15, 2005

Why Can't Everything Just Rock?

Ya know, I spent a lot of time this weekend pretty much isolated in the basement listening to music on the headphones, only venturing out to replenish the mighty 44oz Mountain Dews and Camel Light supply.......(have to have basic nourishment)

I tend to do this isolation thing every couple months or know, no phone calls, no interaction with people, just sitting around thinking, not sure why I have to do this, but sometimes I just get the urge to kick it solo........havent even had my cell phone turned on this weekend.......I will turn it on when I leave for work this evening, see if anyone has called/messaged me then..........I know, not really courteous or fair, and at the moment I do feel rather like an ass for doing that, but I needed my solo time to try and refresh my attitude about everything.

I have been in a pissy/crap mood for about 2 or 3 weeks now, and it all basically boils down to my dismal financial situation........I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and if I put it in perspective, it really isnt that far off...........but damn, a brother is just hating life until then.

If my calculations are correct it will be roughly December of this year when I can put all this financial mess behind me and make the clean about 6 1/2 months to I won't be a wealthy dude or anything after that, but will be able to have a bit more comfort and cushion in the bank............which will be a nice feeling. Hate to just get on here and rag about being a broke ass ninja, but it is the main headache in my life...........and ya know, that fruity bastard Paul Stanley was so right, once in an interview when asked how he liked being rich, he answered "ya know....the best thing about having money is being able to forget about money".......I don't think he could have answered it any better...

Okay, enough whining about that..........what else is going on...........well, not much at routine right now is pretty much set......

2)Go Home
4)Throw in a Movie
5)Throw in another one if I havent fallen asleep yet
6)Wake Up
7)Throw in a CD
9)Dress for work
10)Get in car
11)Call Megan
12)Leave Megan Voicemail/Talk with Megan if she answers
13)Wait for Megan To Call Back
14)Play Poker on phone
15)Go Into Work
16) Fri/Sat (depending on if I work Saturday) Drive back To Oxford

Major Excitement here, huh? But, that is about the truth of my Mon-Fri/sometimes Saturday life.

What About Fun/Entertainment? Well, I am in the process of watching every single DVD/VHS movie that I own........and am barely making a dent so far...........that stuff starts to pile up after a while..........and man, did I purchase some crap over the years........some stuff I actually thought was good at one time, I try to watch now and am like .........."Uhhh...okay, this is stupid" Maybe I am just getting old or something, but half of it doesnt amuse me anymore.

Well, I am dead tired, I should go try and take a nap.........If I can fall asleep within half an hour, I can get about 4 hours of sleep before I need to wake up and get ready to go to work. Sometimes that makes me more tired than if I hadn't taken a nap at all........but I think I will go for the nap action, naps are nice.

Sorry to be such a negative force in this blog entry, but havent felt very cheerful as of late.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another Sunday Night in Nebraska

Good evening everyone. It is currently 3:44 am CST on Sunday night, 05.08.04, I woke up a few hours ago after falling asleep during the Mavericks/Rockets game........I am still not sure who won, havent checked yet........will do that in a bit......

I missed Miss Megan's call again tonight.......our schedules totally don't mesh lately......I am always sleeping when she is awake and not working.......dammit.......I hope to be able to chat with her for a while tomorrow....always makes it a good day when I get a chance to talk with her : )

I am back to downloading tons of stuff tonight, so I figure I will just keep this window open and add whatever stuff I find..........(at least the stuff that I think is pretty cool, no sifting thru the crap to find a peanut for you......Unklebry will have done all that for you)

So, here we go........

First up is a band I know nothing about, the same way it will be with most of the bands listed here tonight......just searching different links pages, and it is just wacky what you will find when you check out the links section of some glam/punk/sleaze/trash/whatever band from Italy.....they link you to their pals, and them to their pals, and we will be digging deep here....anyway.. (click on the song title to get the songs)

1st track
The Amber Taylor Band-Rebel Rebel (David Bowie Cover)

Dont know anything about this band, except what I read on the site.......apparently some kind of crossdresser dude/chick/whatever who does big glam style shows with cool rock songs.......I dug the version of this will too (unless you suck, then you might not like it)

2nd track
Devilish Presley-Black Leather Jesus

Again, had never heard of this band before tonight, but I think this song is pretty slick......imagine if you took The Cramps, Portrait Era Marilyn Manson, and Midnight Oil.......mixed them in a blender and added some Midori in the mix to make it a bit sweeter and nice instead of all Manson evil style........closest I can get to a description of these guys........but I dig this song, check it out.

3rd Track
Shameless-Talk Dirty To Me (Poison Cover)

Shameless is interesting, some dude in Germany, who is totally into the whole late 80's early 90's glam rock style music. He has released 3 full albums, and the nifty thing is that he has had Stevie Rachelle from Tuff, and Steve Summers from Pretty Boy Floyd fly over and do vocals on his records.......if you are a fan of this kind of music, this is pretty cool. The Poison cover is from a Poison tribute cd.....not sure who is doing vocals on that one, but kind of sounds like Steve Summers to me. Anyway, slip on your spandex and dig it.

4th track
Rachel Stamp-Home Made Sex Change

Okay, what do you get when you cross the gal who used to sing for the Pandoras (Paula something or other) with Debbie Harry of Blondie........throw in the keyboard player from the Human League, and Ace Frehley from Kiss on guitar.....but pretend Ace didnt play for Kiss, he played for the Ramones, but still did his old '77 Love Gun style guitar solos..........intrigued yet? Maybe not, but if you are like me, this sounds like a good combo platter. Check it out.

5th track
The Revolvers-Do You Have The Time

Just a cool song, sadly this band is now split up.........but this one kind of reminds me of Green Day and At The Drive In getting into a fight and then sitting down for milk and cookies afterwards to laugh about how silly that fighting thing was and write a song. This is that song.

6th track
Artimus Pyledriver-Dirt Road White Girl

I have liked these guys for a while now.....checked out their song samples online, then ended up ordering their demo and a shirt from the singer, Dave.............they have now released their debut full length, which I need to get on the ball and order from them.....check out why I dig them so much, this is a track from their demo EP...and it rules. If you don't like this song, there is something very, very wrong with you. Imagine COC meets Skynyrd at a Clutch concert and then hook up for some late night drinkin' with Bon Scott era AC DC. It is all good.

Okay, that is enough stuff to keep your ears happy for a little while at least, drop me some damn comments and let me know how you like the songs..........or just to say hello or something.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Just For MizSparky.....a lil' bit of Interpol

Had a request from MizSparky to locate some Interpol for download........well, I have not yet found the full album, but did find 3 tracks from the record called "Antics" Here they are

Track 8: C'mere

Track 9: Length of Love

Track 10: A Time To Be So Small

Will look more a bit later for the rest of the is out there somewhere.

And yes, a longer update will be coming later tonight, while I do my laundry and all that fun domestic style stuff. I am going to go call Megan, then smoke, then call Shawn.......


Monday, May 02, 2005

Hello........wassup all?

Found this on Metal Sludge......a picture of Lita Ford at 46 years of age after popping out a couple of kids......she is holding up pretty well....not quite the same as she was in the Kiss Me Deadly video.......but hell, I am impressed

Not a lot to write about for this last week. Worked a grand total of 52 hours last week, nothing earth-shattering, but not too bad. Will be trying to get in at least 56 hours this week, but we will see how it goes.

Megan went to the Motley Crue concert in Wichita this weekend, it was cool to get not 1, but 2 voice mails from her while they were performing "Home Sweet Home" ...her lovely alcohol tinged squeal of " Bryan........power ballad tiiiimmmmmeeee" and then hearing the distorted strains of the classic track.....hahah nice! Also attending that very same show was the Midwest Master of Metal himself, Mr. J.P. Anaya..........havent heard his report of the show yet.........hopefully I will be able to talk with him sometime during the week to get his take on the gig.

It seems that metal may perhaps be on the comeback trail........the Motley tour is doing great business, the Judas Priest album with Rob Halford back in the mix is doing very well worldwide, and they will be gearing up to go on tour ..........and now WASP has announced that they are bringing back the old school stage props........yep the skulls, sawblades, raw meat......all that stuff for a summer tour. Could be if only we could get Hanoi Rocks over to the US for a full tour, I would be a happy ninja.

Well, it is about time for me to head out of Oxford and make my way back to Kearney........will be checking in again with another post on Saturday morning of afternoon.........until then, leave me some comments and all that, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Oh yeah, the download of the day........Trey Parker of Southpark fame with some dude named David Goodman.......check out their classic take on the love ballad format, this one is called "Twin Brothers In Love"...hahahhaha

click here for this classic track.

. Posted by Hello

This is what GNR will look like when they do the reunion in about 15 more years, when the royalties from Appetite finally start to quit coming in. Posted by Hello