Sunday, May 15, 2005

Why Can't Everything Just Rock?

Ya know, I spent a lot of time this weekend pretty much isolated in the basement listening to music on the headphones, only venturing out to replenish the mighty 44oz Mountain Dews and Camel Light supply.......(have to have basic nourishment)

I tend to do this isolation thing every couple months or know, no phone calls, no interaction with people, just sitting around thinking, not sure why I have to do this, but sometimes I just get the urge to kick it solo........havent even had my cell phone turned on this weekend.......I will turn it on when I leave for work this evening, see if anyone has called/messaged me then..........I know, not really courteous or fair, and at the moment I do feel rather like an ass for doing that, but I needed my solo time to try and refresh my attitude about everything.

I have been in a pissy/crap mood for about 2 or 3 weeks now, and it all basically boils down to my dismal financial situation........I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and if I put it in perspective, it really isnt that far off...........but damn, a brother is just hating life until then.

If my calculations are correct it will be roughly December of this year when I can put all this financial mess behind me and make the clean about 6 1/2 months to I won't be a wealthy dude or anything after that, but will be able to have a bit more comfort and cushion in the bank............which will be a nice feeling. Hate to just get on here and rag about being a broke ass ninja, but it is the main headache in my life...........and ya know, that fruity bastard Paul Stanley was so right, once in an interview when asked how he liked being rich, he answered "ya know....the best thing about having money is being able to forget about money".......I don't think he could have answered it any better...

Okay, enough whining about that..........what else is going on...........well, not much at routine right now is pretty much set......

2)Go Home
4)Throw in a Movie
5)Throw in another one if I havent fallen asleep yet
6)Wake Up
7)Throw in a CD
9)Dress for work
10)Get in car
11)Call Megan
12)Leave Megan Voicemail/Talk with Megan if she answers
13)Wait for Megan To Call Back
14)Play Poker on phone
15)Go Into Work
16) Fri/Sat (depending on if I work Saturday) Drive back To Oxford

Major Excitement here, huh? But, that is about the truth of my Mon-Fri/sometimes Saturday life.

What About Fun/Entertainment? Well, I am in the process of watching every single DVD/VHS movie that I own........and am barely making a dent so far...........that stuff starts to pile up after a while..........and man, did I purchase some crap over the years........some stuff I actually thought was good at one time, I try to watch now and am like .........."Uhhh...okay, this is stupid" Maybe I am just getting old or something, but half of it doesnt amuse me anymore.

Well, I am dead tired, I should go try and take a nap.........If I can fall asleep within half an hour, I can get about 4 hours of sleep before I need to wake up and get ready to go to work. Sometimes that makes me more tired than if I hadn't taken a nap at all........but I think I will go for the nap action, naps are nice.

Sorry to be such a negative force in this blog entry, but havent felt very cheerful as of late.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unkle Bry, I love you. Hang in there, my friend.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happen to know shaftstalker (i am her mother) and she is not only a bitch from hell but a mooch. so don't feel bad, unkle bry.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Ha Ha........too funny, the Mama of Shaftstalker checks in with some less than inspiring comments about her offspring.......makes me smile! Dunno why, but in a better mood now......of course it is 2am and I just woke up from a mega sleep, maybe that has something to do with it? Blog update coming either tonight or tomorrow. Mad love to all my peeps.

12:15 AM  

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