Monday, May 02, 2005

Hello........wassup all?

Found this on Metal Sludge......a picture of Lita Ford at 46 years of age after popping out a couple of kids......she is holding up pretty well....not quite the same as she was in the Kiss Me Deadly video.......but hell, I am impressed

Not a lot to write about for this last week. Worked a grand total of 52 hours last week, nothing earth-shattering, but not too bad. Will be trying to get in at least 56 hours this week, but we will see how it goes.

Megan went to the Motley Crue concert in Wichita this weekend, it was cool to get not 1, but 2 voice mails from her while they were performing "Home Sweet Home" ...her lovely alcohol tinged squeal of " Bryan........power ballad tiiiimmmmmeeee" and then hearing the distorted strains of the classic track.....hahah nice! Also attending that very same show was the Midwest Master of Metal himself, Mr. J.P. Anaya..........havent heard his report of the show yet.........hopefully I will be able to talk with him sometime during the week to get his take on the gig.

It seems that metal may perhaps be on the comeback trail........the Motley tour is doing great business, the Judas Priest album with Rob Halford back in the mix is doing very well worldwide, and they will be gearing up to go on tour ..........and now WASP has announced that they are bringing back the old school stage props........yep the skulls, sawblades, raw meat......all that stuff for a summer tour. Could be if only we could get Hanoi Rocks over to the US for a full tour, I would be a happy ninja.

Well, it is about time for me to head out of Oxford and make my way back to Kearney........will be checking in again with another post on Saturday morning of afternoon.........until then, leave me some comments and all that, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Oh yeah, the download of the day........Trey Parker of Southpark fame with some dude named David Goodman.......check out their classic take on the love ballad format, this one is called "Twin Brothers In Love"...hahahhaha

click here for this classic track.

. Posted by Hello


Blogger unknown said...

the lovely lita is great. I rem back in 1976 she was just comming on the scene with a all gurl band called the runaways hammering out some fine rock and roll. them gurls put on a great show from what i rem. maybe it was the great lookers that made it sound soo good...

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think lita lives down here in tejas on the third coast. last time i saw her on vh1, she looked a bit weather-worn. but she looks good here.

the Crue was here in SA on 4/15...MistaShawn and I didn't make it since Lola had just arrived. i'm not sure if The Man had tix in our corp box or not. i would have gone for free.

shaftstalker - did Tommy whip out his schlong? that would make it worth going.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Bry.. It is your long lost pal Amy. I was enjoying your Blog this morning. And decided to drop you a note , While I boil me some linguine for Alfredo. Awww yes.. making my dinner at breakfast time. Gotta LOVE my shift. So I gather you have a NEW LOVE NEST in Kearney?

7:06 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Damn.......the mysterious Amy checks in......yep, have a new nest, but no love happenin there unless you count rockin' a solo mission......hahaha And I am with you, I always am eating dinner at breakfast a brother someday, dammit!

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unkle bry - can you find me some interpol? more specifically, i'm looking for the disc called "antics".

much love!

10:02 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

MizSparky- I looked, but havent found the full album yet........however I did find 3 tracks from that record......scope the blog for the links.

4:10 PM  

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