Thursday, October 20, 2005

Lazy Me

I have been slacking off on the blogging this week, sorry about that....well, it is Thursday night, 10/20/05 currently 7:30 pm..... So far this week I have 44 hours in this week....going to do 8 more tonight, which will make it 52 hrs....and then either 8 or 12 hours on Saturday...haven't decided yet..............

I have received a few requests for the 2nd part of the "Altoids Girl" entry I started the other day....fear not, your requests have been heard and I will be kicking out part 2 of that entry this weekend.

Kind of veering off topic here, but I wonder when in the heck Ginger is going to get his new solo album has been recorded for a few months now and I still havent heard anything about a release date or even a label for it......most likely will not be released in the USA anyway, but man....this thing just needs to come out....I like the sample songs that he has posted so far on his myspace page

If you visit, make sure to check out both songs.....they are both really good, but of the 2 tracks, I prefer "10 Flaws Down".....both are pretty laid back in comparison to the Wildhearts/Silver Ginger 5 stuff....but very good.

Ok, I am out for right now......time to go take a shower and eat something then off to work for another glorious evening being a slave to the man.

BTW, a band I had almost forgotton.....Blind Melon....hadn't listened to them for ages....but Sleazegrinder posted some of their demo songs this morning.....forgot what a great voice that guy remember him, Shannon Hoon? He was in one of GNR's videos way back when and they had a big hit with the bee-girl video, then the dumbass went and od'd on heroin or something and that was it. Anyway, the demo's reminded me how much I used to like that record, going to have to go dig out that cd.


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