Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Joan is back

Got the new Joan Jett......she is just as good as ever....very cool song called AC DC on here.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hello everyone

Well, it is Sunday late morning on the big holiday weekend........went to see a band last night called "Corpus"...they were pretty good....I really dug when they played White Zombies "More Human Than Human"....good times for me and my lady.

We are getting ready to go lay out and soak up some sun.....yes, the first time I have been in the sun in is her influence, don't blame me. Hopefully I won't get too burnt.

I will check in with a report on my skin condition later on.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Keel - Lay Down The Law

For The Midwest Master of Metal.........

Here is the Keel - Lay Down The Law album, an old one we used to dig back in the day... Sorry it took me a while to post it......but I finally got it uploaded so you can grab it.


Hi Skillet and my millions of other readers....

I checked out my "comments" and Skillet popped in for another lookey-loo at the ole blog. She had this to ask me--

so are you a snake handler now or some shit?

That makes me laugh a little bit. Nope, I am not a snake least not in the traditional sense. Here is the story.......

Not long ago, on Easter weekend, my Sweetie and I loaded up in the car and headed down to Wichita, KS to hang out with Shawn and Sparky for the wknd. I had taken the initiative of looking up what was happening in Wichita on the weekend, and lo and behold, I came across a listing of a show by some dude called "The Voodoo Organist".....I checked out his website and got intrigued, especially as his new album is called "The Serpent Dance"....I releated this info to Shawn and he said "Oh, we are so gonna be there".....

Come the day of the show, Sparky comes up with the idea of getting some rubber snakes to take to the show so we can do our own wacky Serpent Dance while the show is happening....the rest of us decide this is a super idea and we roll around town trying to find rubber serpents.....apparently they are not as popular as they once were, as Toys R Us didn't even have a rubber serpent aisle.............if you can believe that. Anyway, we finally scored some low quality serpents at the unholiest of all outlets.....the Wal Mart......we did a lil' bit of serpent dancing in the store, and the locals there were not really amused....(they were a bit scared if you ask me)...

Anyway, we went to the show, danced with serpents, and had a wicked good time.

Here is the song that inspired it all........check it out....and the pic is of the Mighty Voodoo Organist himself.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

They still rock

Have been listening to the new Rhino Bucket tonight...............these guys still rock.


Wow, I am amazed...........Skillet showed back up to post a comment or How ya doin' Skillet? Hope all is well.

Today's picture is one of the true of those crazy god fearin' types who takes up the real serpents, as the lord will protect him if his faith is strong enough.

I was gonna go hang out with my Pops for his birthday this next weekend....but then he texts me and says he will be taking off out of town on May 31, so no birthday celebrations with him.....I will probably still roll down to Oxford for that weekend though....we will see.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I got a new copy of this one

Everyone should own this album, if just for "Twist of Cain"

A classic that I finally scored a great sounding copy of...

Aww yeah.

Mistershawn suggested I get this one...

And he was right it is a hella good record............gotta remember to put this one in the car to listen to over and over again for a while.

Finally got ahold of this one.......I remember going record shopping with Nick one day and he scored the Pitchfork 7" vinyl.....because he saw it before I did......lucky bastard.

Got another cool record

Had never heard of these guys before............they have a killer song called "My Girlfriend Is The Devil" Check em out.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

David Lee Wrong Is A Hit!

Well, it isn't that big of a hit, but 400 people have watched it since I posted it last Friday night, which is an average of almost 100 people a day...not bad, huh?

Picked up this album today............good stuff, had not listened to it in a while....

I plan on doing some more converting of old videos this next weekend, since I will have the extra day off.............word to extra days off.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

David Lee Wrong ---Too Funny!!!!!

I Can't believe I finally found this!!!! Had been looking for this clip forever......this vid was taken in the early morning hours in approx 1987.....not sure exactly, but it was not long after the David Lee Roth "Eat Em and Smile" album came out.

Our old high school pal Joey doing his best Diamond Dave impersonation with a hockey stick guitar....have finally converted it from a VHS-C tape to digital format.....will be posting it on youtube for everyone to enjoy......this is the funniest thing I have seen in a while....will post the youtube link later so you all can check it out.

Edited___Sorry, have to re-convert the clip at a lesser quality so I can post it at youtube...I initially did it at the best quality, but that made it too large to post at youtube....will drop down the bitrate and redo it tomorrow or something.....don't worry, it is worth the wait to see Joey try and do his jump in the air and do a kick routine....hahaha

Okay....finally re-ripped it at a lower quality, enjoy it and pass the link along to everyone you know, they will laugh their ass off!!

I remember this record from back in the day, just scored a good digital copy of it....Keel's Lay Down The Law..............hadn't heard this one in a long, long time....decent stuff.

JPA....let me know if you want a digi-copy of it and I will post it for ya.

Rebel Meets Rebel

Have been listening to this one quite a bit lately......for those hiding under a rock....this is country music legend David Allen Coe and Dimebag Darrell (RIP) from Pantera.....very interesting combo....

Hank Williams III Whoops Much Butt

Just scored this cool live Hank III bootleg....Hank III rocks. You should already know that, but if you didn' have just been edu-ma-cated.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I used to love this cereal when I was younger.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Attacked by the serpents!!! Her faith was not strong enough!