Monday, July 04, 2005

One of these days I am going to have to get this damn book.....detailing the glam/hair metal days of the Sunset Strip.....and they just released a 4 cd box set companion to this thing.....early stuff from all the big names back then, and a lot of little names that were much better than the ones who went on to become big names.......anyway, you get the idea, some cool stuff.

I was talking to Mistershawn the other day and mentioned what an entertaining read Kevin Smiths blog was, everyone should read it, funny ass stuff.........especially if you are a geeky fanboy for all his movies as I am (yep, I even think Jersey Girl is great) Check it out here

Well, this weekend has been pretty damn laid back and uneventful, I slept most of the time, and helped clean up around the house, in an attempt to prepare for the arrival of my Aunt Brenda who is finishing the drive down from Michigan today....supposed to be here around five or so, then Pops is going to grill up some steaks, will chow down, then I will head back to the mobile mansion in Kearney to prepare for a 7am workday tomorrow morning. I was a lame ass and didnt call people this weekend, seems like the daytime I was mostly asleep, and the late afternoons and evenings I was trying to help pick up around here..........dammit, I am going to give Miss Megan a call here a bit later, I am jonesing to talk to her, but as it isnt even 9am yet this morning, I dont want to wake her up early on a Holiday, one of her few chances to sleep in..

I do have one funny ass story to relate to everyone........I was put in charge of cleaning up the basement tv room/den/whatever I proceed to do a real cleaning, you know, pull the furniture out from the walls, vacuum behind it, and all that stuff. Well, I get to the end table and lift it up, moving it out in front of the couch, then turn back around and just kind of stand there staring down at the little treasure trove of artifacts that has collected underneath. What was it? Perhaps somthing cool, like a long lost cd? Nope. Maybe a bunch of change, giving me a little sumthin' sumthin' for my efforts at cleaning? Nope Maybe it is a killer book that has mistakenly been kicked underneath the end table? Nope.
. ..........I am treated to a display of young Josh's libido..........I find (and yes, I did count them) 22 wadded up paper towels that have eerie yellow colored stains on them and are all stuck together, along with a 90% empty tube of Avon Moisture Therapy lotion, and a dried up condom. What a treat!!!

I immediately run up the stairs, go outside, light up a smoke, and call MisterShawn on the cell..........he is out and about in San Antonio with Sparky and lil Miss Lola..........I relate the story to him and we both giggle like preteen girls at a NKOTB (New Kids On The Block) concert in 1990............we chat for a minute then I hang up and return inside. I stop in the kitchen to grab some fresh and so clean clean paper towels, head back downstairs to pick up the spilled seed and misc. debris..........but decide I must document this display of Josh's solo I open up the phone and snap a quick picture......then proceed to pick up the stuff (covering my hand with a paper towel, of course) and throw it away......not 5 minutes passes when MisterShawn calls me back laughing and says.......hey, have you cleaned that up yet? I tell him yep, the deed is done..........he expressed sadness and tells me it would have been great to take a picture of it........when I relate that I had documented this event, we both again giggle like little girls and end the call.

Now, I heartily endorse rocking the solo missions, not knocking the kid for his deeds...........but damn, at least get rid of the need to keep them around, they arent much good for cleaning anymore when they are all wadded up, crusty, and stuck together. So Josh, if you are scanning the history file on the pc and stumble across this page.............throw that stuff away in the trash, dont just hide it under a table, eventually someone will find that stuff and then talk about it on the net...........but if you do read this, I have to admit, 22 different solo missions? How long did that take you........that is pretty impressive. Stroke on young man, stroke on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard at your blog in my life. I don't even know what to say. Josh better stay away from the exfoliating lotion.

8:35 PM  

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