Sunday, July 17, 2005

Word to all my peoples

Hello all, another weekend is almost over, and I didn't accomplish a darn thing. Oh well, not a whole heck of a lot that I needed to get done or anything, but I always end up sleeping half my time away when I come to Oxford for the weekend.

I dont have any pics, links, or even any nifty stories to entertain you this weekend....I am boring like that today. Half the reason is that I have slept about 14 of the past 24 hours.........and have been awake now for about 15 minutes, so my brain is still functioning in sleep mode. At least I should be well rested for work tonight.

Midwest Master Of me a favor and drop me a voice mail that lets me know the best time to call you, I keep wanting to call you, but cant remember what the heck your work schedule is, and dont want to call too late......I remember you leave for work at some really crazy early hour in the morning, so anyway, do me a favor and let me know when it is best to give you a holla.

Miss Megan, if I remember right, you are at a ball game tonight...I will try to give you a call around 9ish or so and see if you answer....most likely we will be playing our usual game of voicemail tag. Dammit....hahahha. truly are a late night bad boy...I just checked my phone and found that you had called me at 2:08 in he AM last night.......sorry I didnt answer, but this ninja was dead asleep by that time. After I drop Miss Megan a voicemail tonight I will give you a holla.

Ok, time to go throw laundry in the dryer, so I am out. Sorry for the boring post, but not a heck of a lot going on right now.

As always, drop me a comment if you read this thing and at least say hello.



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