Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Good morning everyone

Welcome to the blog, hope all is well wherever in the hell you happen to be located. It is hella cold in Nebraska right now, currently a whopping 32 degrees....yep right at the freezing point. I remember back in the day when we had seasons called spring and fall, but now it seems we go straight from summer to winter and then start over again. Damn. Oh well, I would rather it be colder than 100 degrees and humid. This brother is not all about being sweaty.

I keep missing calls from The Midwest Master of Metal......seems that I am always asleep when he tries to give me a call, which is no good.....when you read this.....sorry about that, but a fella has to get his rest on.

Only worked 8 hours last night, will be going in early tonight and pulling a 12 hr shift....and then it sounds like Saturday is going to be a go for this week, so that is cool, probably pull another 12 then.....will find out for sure tomorrow.

I did something kinda stupid, but funny....put my picture up on where people vote on whether you are attractive or an ugly far I am rated at 6.2, with a grand total of 43 people voting.....not sure if that is good or bad. I will keep you posted. If you want to check it out and see my current rating for yourself, you can go directly to my link there at If you do this, make sure to vote honestly though, don't just rate me a 10 because I rock or anything, if you know me and think I am truly an ugly bastard, go ahead and give me an appropriate rating. Coolio.

A while back I had a blog entry about the mighty band Broken Teeth.....comparing album sales of several bands with AC DC set as the benchmark. Had a comment posted on that one requesting the comparison of U2 vs. AC DC.....and dug up this list from the RIAA tallying the top selling artists catalogs within the USA. Here are some comparisons....only listing the ones I find interesting though.....and remember these are only USA sales of their titles.

AC DC - 66 million

Aerosmith - 65.5 million

Rolling Stones - 64.5 million (kind of surprised they are behind AC DC and Aerosmith)

Madonna - 60 million

Michael Jackson -59.5 million (I don't expect him to sell many more records in the future either)

Metallica - 57 million

Van Halen - 56.5 million (wow, who would have thought when Kill Em All was released that Metallica would eclipse the mighty Van Halen....hahah I think that is great, even though Metallica has been a piece of shit for years now)

U2 - 50.5 million - I have to admit, after years of saying they are a crap band to MizzSparky, I am starting to grow more and more fond of some of their songs.....Sunday Bloody Sunday is still their best by far though

Kenny G - 48 million - this makes no sense, who buys this crap?

Guns N Roses - 36.5 million

Willie Nelson - 34 million - Willie Nelson is a pimp.

Frank Sinatra - 25.5 million - This one's for you Mistershawn...

Motley Crue - 22.5 million

Green Day - 19.5 million

Kiss - 19 million - Who woulda thunk that Green Day would outsell Kiss.....not that the last several Kiss albums were any good, they werent.....they were shit, but still.

Ok, enough playing wanna be record exec analyzing spreadsheets for the day. I am gonna go grab some sleep and throw in the Anger Management DVD.....have started watching it 3 days in a row now, and always fall asleep right when it gets interesting (when Nicholson moves in to Sandlers place....)

Until then, please remember...............Bangcock Shocks, Saigon Shakes, and Hanoi Rocks.....Word.


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Aerosmith - dog shit

You must not know the catalog prior to Permanent Vacation, all of it is top notch...........then they became the soundrack ballad idiots.....they have sucked for years, but their 70s output kicks much ass.

1:34 AM  

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