Sunday, October 23, 2005

Paul Stanley looking kinda fruity in the 70's

Check out this old picture of Peter Criss (left) and Paul Stanley (right) of Kiss taken back in the 70's...Paul is getting his tough guy "gangsta" pose going on and he still looks like a fruit-loop.....and what is with the helmet? Did they make him strap that on when he got off the short bus on the ride to the studio?

Sorry I haven't done an entry to update the story of the Altoids girl.....been working a lot this last week....ended up with 68 hours, which is cool, as 28 hours of overtime more than doubles the paycheck for the week......always a good thing......even if too much of that will end up going to pay off the bills from my past when I lived well in excess of my means.....(if you are slow, that means that I spent more than I was making)

Anyway, it is Sunday 10/23/05 and just about 6pm......have to be at work tonight again at 11pm and start another week of slaving for the man.....hopefully we will have as much overtime this week as we had last week.....if so, I am going to work every OT hour possible, which would end up being a total of 72 hours......but that is all dependant on the hours being available....we will have to wait and see.

Haven't talked to Miss Megan in 2 days, and that makes me kind of sad.....talking to her is usually the highlight of my day.....but I keep getting voicemail....dammit!!! Oh well, I will try her again tonight before I go in to work....should be easier to reach her this week, as she has the week off.....but I will probably be working all kinds of crazy hours, so I will be the hard one to reach.....go figure.

Starting to try and figure out the plans for the Holiday season this year.....looks like the annual festivities will be in Wichita, KS.....Mistershawn and Miss Sparky will be going to West Palm Beach, Florida to attend an Xmas party (they are all kinds of high class like that) and then flying from there over to Wichita.......Miss Megan will be in Wichita, and a mere 90 minutes away is the Midwest Master Of Metal in Salina.....and Amy, if I remember right, will be flying up to Salina from we very well may end up having an evening of "hey, remember when....." stories if we can all hook up for a night. I will keep trying to nail down everyone's schedule and figure this thing out......I am all about the planning like that.

Who knows, maybe Dead Orchestra will be playing a reunion show in Wichita over the Holidays and we can go and laugh at them like the old days......even better, maybe Mike Lacy and the fellas in Psycho Love Tribe will get back together and we can pretend we are back at Rock Island in 1990 or something....hahahahah How metal would that be?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:09 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

damn, 3 spammers already, just posted this like an hour ago.....spambots are annoying.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:59 PM  
Blogger unknown said...

dude you gotta check out this link to 1000's of classic music videos.

i have a link posted on my blog also

6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn bry didn't even include me! f ya then!!!

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that ken guy work at kwik shop on Ohio? I see a ken lookalike there all the time.. hunched shoulders and all but not sure if its him sans his anal loving wife... paul is that him?

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha yes lorie that is the moleman live in the flesh. I am sure this is just a stepping stone before he goes on his world tour!

12:19 AM  

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