Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Unklebry does not eat the dirty sea bugs known as shrimp.............however his sweetie does, for some odd reason, love to devour them. If they are on the menu, that is cool..........Unklebry will rock a sandwich or something.


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

pickles are tools of the devil. No wait, tools of that carpenter dude, hey-soos.

8:00 AM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

i dunno, all the grub you chef up is tasty as all get of those breakfast pizzas like you made last time i visited in texas would rock............and i wanna play that game with the buzzer thing when we are there. that would be hella fun............please??

9:56 AM  
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9:45 AM  

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