Sunday, July 24, 2005

Metal Arrives In The Mail---Awww Yeah!

Hello my peoples, hope all is well wherever you are........Texas, Kansas, Florida, Nebraska, California, etc. Yes, my lowly blog has readers from at least 5 different states.......that is pretty happening, or at least I like to think that it along with me and pretend that makes me happening, okay?

Right on, thanks.

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details of my work week, I will just say it was the same old grind, nothing exciting happened at all........cruised back to Oxford for the weekend, and have done nothing exciting here either, besides sleep a lot.......but sleeping is a good thing to do when it is so damn hot has been over 100 degrees for 3 or 4 days in a row now.......supposed to get back up there today (Sunday) and then drop down to only about 95 on Monday and Tuesday drop to about 80 degrees........what? That is what the weather forecast says, but they must be on crack or something, I just don't see it dropping down to 80......although that would be nice. Man, you can tell a dude is starting to get old when he talks about the weather like it is an interesting topic, huh?

Received a package in the mail from the Midwest Master Of Metal, the mighty JPA........a while back I had sent him some links for bands/songs that I thought were cool and he might dig, he checked some of them out and probably thought most of them were crap, but one band struck a chord with him (good music reference, huh?) anyway, that band is Broken Teeth, which is one of the current bands of Jason McMasters, who is a semi-legend in the Texas hard music scene

Jason started off fronting the math-metal band Watchtower (I saw one of their reunion shows several years ago in San Antonio....bopped over to Medieval Knights one night when I was hanging out at the 24kt Gold Club and that show was going on.......pretty cool), then he hit it big for a short time with Dangerous Toys (saw them in Wichita, KS at the Emerald City Ballroom on Harry Street and then again in Kansas City opening for The Cult) and when the Toys kind of dissolved, he had a slew of other bands including a Kiss Cover band called SSIK (I have a bootleg video of them, they were pretty good), a band called Godzilla Motor Company, and now Broken Teeth. Enough of metal history........back to the story.......

Anyway, Paul, The Midwest Master of Metal decided that Broken Teeth were right up his alley, pretty much straightforward AC DC formula hard rock, so he whips out the old credit card and orders their 2 studio cd's along with a live DVD........and being the kind fella that he is, he burned me copies of the CD's and mailed them off.

I am listening to the "Guilty Pleasures" album right now and am very impressed..........nothing fancy, just good solid hard rock songs that make you keep reaching for the volume and turning it up another far not any filler "crappy" tracks on this one.........excellent stuff.

Now, I need something explained to me...........I mentioned earlier that it is pretty much AC DC formula hard rock.........but they do it really damn well, without sounding like a rip off. People like this kind of music, there is a large fanbase and potential consumer for this style of the rock.......I mean let's look at AC DC.........they have certified shipments of over 64 million in the USA alone.......that is just insane, isn't it? I mean it is a good thing, because AC DC is in my top 5 bands of all time. Lets kind of put that in perspective.......everyone always talks about how Nirvana was this huge as band that kind of took over everything and ruined the hard rock place in the music market.........utter bullshit.........Nirvana is only tracked as having certified shipments of 17 million admirable number to be sure, but 17 mil vs. 64 mil?? No Contest. Lets look at a few more comparisons, shall we?

Nirvana-17 million VS Nelly (you know the rapper with the band aid?)-21 million.

Nirvana-17 million VS Britney Spears-41 million

Nirvana-17 million VS Bon Jovi-46 million

Nirvana-17 million VS Metallica-71 million

Nirvana-17 million VS Kid Rock-18 million

Okay, that was interesting, and kind of entertaining right.........I looked all this shit up to make a point...the point being that there is a market for everything..........Rap, Teenybopper pop, lite metal, metal, and rap how I did that, huh? And yes, those are real numbers, maybe a smidge out of date, but the most current numbers available without access to a soundscan report.

But it is just wrong that so many people dig this type of music (you know the AC DC style hard rock) and yet Broken Teeth have probably sold a grand total (between their 2 studio CD's, their live CD, and their DVD) of less than 5000 units. I mean hell.............between June 7, 2004 and May 11, 2005........AC DC's Back In Black album sold just over 1 million copies in the USA..........that means close to 100,000 copies of this record sell every month, over 3,000 people bought this record every day last year. What is up with that??? This record came out in 1980.......doesnt everyone already have this record?? It is good for the band and all that, and yes, it is a classic record (but not as good as Highway To Hell)

My point being that if maybe even just 1 out of every 250 people that bought that 25 year old AC DC record last year would have heard a Broken Teeth record and liked it, and then picked up a copy of it, that would be an additional 5,000 units sold for the band..........hell, think about it, if people would buy 1 copy for a brand new killer hard rock record for every 250 copies of a 25 year old album, a new band could make a little headway......huh?

Maybe I went a little overboard with this rant, but it just made me listening to this CD just made me start thinking and made me just a little pissed off. I am one to talk, huh......I didn't even buy it, I got a burned copy from a friend..........but hell, I figure Jason McMasters has gotten his money from me over the years, bought the first 2 albums on cassette and cd, bought the Shocker soundtrack record, tickets to 2 Dangerous Toys concerts, and a t-shirt at each show, and then the Watchtower reunion show cover I don't feel too bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:27 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

Like it? Like it? LOVE IT.......yes we do!

10:54 AM  

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