Sunday, November 06, 2005

Damn, first entry in several days

What up true believers?

It is currently late Saturday night/Sunday Morning...3:14am to be exact, as I start this post.

Slept a large portion of the day, got off work at 7am Saturday morning, finishing a 68 hour work week, which is good, as OT pays nicely, but doesnt leave a lot of time for much else, like entertaining all of you. I will probably work the same schedule next week, as long as the OT remains available...........we will see.

Friday morning a bunch of us from work went out and got liquored up after work....not really drunk or anything, just 4 or 5 beers each in the 5 hours we were there.......well ok, the lightweights left after like 2 hours, but most held out til noon........ended up having a hella good time. See above for some documentation of our drunken antics......and damn,what is up with my eyeballs in that pic, I look like I have crazy huge bug eyes or somethin? Kind of wrong, but oh well........... (())damn the pics wont load, will try to add them later(())

I will have to take a break from this post in a few, right now I am downloading episode 6 of My Name Is Earl....the best TV comedy in I will have to watch that right when it finishes....

Josh got kicked out of the roomate situation he was in, so for the moment he is staying with me....oh boy. Tonight was the first night for him being here, wasn't that big of a deal, we watched Napoleon Dynamite together and laughed like little kids, as it is that kind of movie....then I was showing him some of the other stuff I have downloaded, and he was off to sleep.....with our work schedules being so different, I really won't see him much during the time he is here, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.................we will find out and I will keep you updated.


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