Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bands you should check out this week

Okay, here are a few more bands that I think everyone should check out.......since The Midwest Master of Metal took one of my suggestions and hooked up on the Broken Teeth tunes, so as a nod to him, I offer up 2 more bands in the straight up hard rockin' style.

The first band is the mighty Supagroup.......I saw them a long time ago in Austin, TX when they opened for Nashville Pussy.......they were great, anyway, this is a tune off their new album, a song called Lets Go (Get Wasted)

Check it out, I am sure you will agree that they rock.

The 2nd band is a newer band called Dirty Rig. They do feature an alumnus of a semi- famous band the singer used to front a way overrated band called Warrior Soul..........I thought Warrior Soul sucked, way too much whining about politics and stuff........anyway, now he is in a band that knows how to rock and they got away from that "issues" rock..........heck, this song is called Suck It What a great title, huh? I like it, you should check it out too......very catchy.

I am going to go smoke, will be back for another update in a few. Word.


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

TOFOG.........yuck.....but MistaShawn and I did get some happenin tattoos that night.........awww yeah......word to that.

As for remembering that stuff.......can't help it, I am a band was SupaGroup, Nebula, and the mighty Nashville Pussy........remember, I got covered with that crap when Corey Parks blew fire out over the crowd......I loved it, almost jizzed in my pants......well, wasn't quite that cool, but almost!

10:08 AM  

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