Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lazy Ass Unklebry

Sorry for the lack of updates. Lately I haven't felt much like punching out the witty comentary and looking up cool music links for everyone to check out.

Hopefully within the next couple weeks I will have computer/internet access in Kearney, which will free up my options for posting, other than just my occasional weekend ramblings when I visit Oxford.

As a side note, if MC Helge happens to stumble back here and read this, I am working up the nerve to give you a excuses for my lack of contact, just want to see if we can pick up where I kind of dropped out of life for a while.

Hope everyone has a great week. I am hoping to rock some more overtime this week......ended at 52 hours last week, hoping to get the same or more this week, if it is available..........overtime is a good thing, it helps pay off bills faster and paying off bills is a good thing.



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