Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Good morning

Hello everyone, what the heck is up?

Not much here, just finished eating a fine meal. Had a 1/2 pound chicken quesadilla hot pocket and a fairly large portions of cheez-it's washed down with a tasty orange soda.

Now I am playing a few hands of free online poker at it is pretty fun, although I consistenly get my ass beat.

The mighty Skillet from Kansas checked in on the blog again today to say hello, so that was cool.......she thinks no one knows who Skillet is???? I think a few folks here will remember who had that nickname back in the day.......if you remember her, drop a comment on here so she can see it and feel the love.

The picture for this morning is Lita Ford's sweet ass from back in the Kiss Me Deadly era............there was no finer metal chick at the time than Lita. Come to think of it, I can't think of a finer one since then.........yeah there have been finer looking girls, but not metal chicks. Although the singer for Drain STH was pretty damn close. I remember seeing them open for Machine Head/COC in Lawrence, KS and being like "whoooahhh". Had seen them before opening for Type O Negative, but was pretty far away--at this show I was up close and loving it. Anyway, this is Lita's fine ass, enjoy it.

Miss Megan, my own current personal Lita Ford (you know chick you dream about from afar) is supposed to be dropping by here today to have a read............we will see if she does. Hope so....she rocks so much, it is almost unbelievable.......I need her to send me some more pics to my new email address.............hopefully she does, that would make Unklebry a happy boy.


Blogger Unkle Bry said...

fuck spam, you wast of life.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so today is my freakin birthday.. I'm a million years old... Bry can you believe that Cameryn( my daughter in case you forgot) turned 14 on Sunday.. I was pregnant forever when I worked with u... did that make you feel old??? hope so..

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M.M.O.M. says first Pinks ass then Litas ass-TOO MUCH ASS!!! Whats all that about??? yeah right. Happy Birthday to Lorie!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Unkle Bry said...

JPA....never too much ass, you know that! Yep, I just posted a happy birthday message to Skillet on the blog. Word. And yep Skillet, I do feel old.

6:39 PM  

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