Sunday, September 25, 2005

Went to a party last Saturday night......

And like the Lita Ford song, I didn't get laid, but unlike her..........I also did not get into a fight. Had a good kicked back relaxing time hanging out with some peeps from work, and met some new folks......we pretty much sat around talking, listening to music and laughing, so it was pretty laid back and cool. This little gathering was for Nikki........who is pictured on the right.......she is getting ready to ship out this next week for basic training in Great Lakes, IL....I keep telling her that joining the Navy, she will undoubtedly return as a lesbian, but she doesn't believe me. We will wait and see. Also pictured with her is her younger sister, and I feel bad, but heck....can't remember her name.

I took a couple other cam-phone pics last night, but somehow forgot to press the save button after snapping them, so they are lost, and this is the only pic that I have, oh well. I ended up bailing around 1am and coming home and going to sleep.............I wasn't too liquored or anything, ended up having maybe 7 or 8 beers over the course of the night, so that wasn't too bad at all.

Quite a change from my normal "hermit" role of coming home from work and staying inside until I leave for work again on Sunday night.........but it was a good time, maybe being sociable every now and then is a good thing?

Just finished burning a DVD of the premiere episode of Jason Lee's new tv show, My Name Is Earl....already watched about half of the show just on the pc, and it is great............hopefully this will push Lee to the A-list kind of star and he can star in Kevin Smith's version of Fletch........he would be perfect for that part, can't imagine anyone else who could pull it off even half as well.

Oh, and as an fyi, I went out to pick up the Mallrats special edition DVD that is loaded with all the cool extras this weekend.........and it is sold out in Kearney, NE...........serious, not one place in town has any copies left.......I have to wait until next week..........shoulda just ordered it online.........oh well, I can wait a week. I will just re-watch disc 3 of the Clerks X set.........the documentary on Clerks is great.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm And this was Amy Rivir's Birthday ... DAMN... I was a million and three today... :)

6:54 PM  

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