Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Skillet checks in .....word. We ran into each other at full speed once.

Hello world, I just woke up. Slept for a solid 8 straight hours today......that is a good thing, as I was tossing and turning like crazy yesterday. Feeling much more refreshed and ready to take on the day and all that crap.

The pic to the left is Pink........yep, her out by a pool somewhere, showing off that lucious booty of hers..........aww yeah.

Got some comments on the blog today from Skillet! Hadn't heard anything from her in ages, so that was pretty damn cool. Hopefully she will continue to drop by and say hello and read my stupid blog entries. Hey Skillet, remember the time when we both were running full speed to catch a person with a question and ran smack dab into each other? That shit was funny.

Anyway, time for me to grab some food, back in a bit for more typing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yanno people are saying " Who or what the hell is a skillet"?
That would be me!
U know I remember our collison.. that shit was so funny.. you left skid marks on the floor and I was mildly injured for a few minutes..I TRULY laughed out loud when I read that

I also remember Paul always being a bit envious of my rock star hair! I was a female bonjovi or some shit..

I think I miss ya a bit

8:54 PM  

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