Sunday, September 25, 2005

Earl rocks.

Just finished watching the entire premiere episode of "My Name Is Earl" that I mentioned below. This show is going to be huge. Hands down the funniest thing on TV since the debut of "The Family Guy" If you missed the debut, make sure you start tuning in weekly. This show is going to be the success story of the season..........yep, I am talking CSI/Desperate Housewives kind of numbers on this one....................think I am wrong? Just wait and see. This is going to make Jason Lee a household name (which he should be already based on his performance in Chasing Amy), and that is a good thing. Just check out the pic and you know that the show is gonna be good. The odd thing is that he bears a striking resemblance to someone I work with..........won't mention any names, because I am not sure who all reads this from work, but it is an uncanny likeness. Anyway, check this show out, you will kick yourself in the ass later if you miss it.


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