Wednesday, October 26, 2005



Hey, do you guys remember Tina Johnson who used to work with us at ITI? Anyway, I was scanning the Salina Journal online and found an article about her getting busted.....crazy, huh?

Good morning everyone

Welcome to the blog, hope all is well wherever in the hell you happen to be located. It is hella cold in Nebraska right now, currently a whopping 32 degrees....yep right at the freezing point. I remember back in the day when we had seasons called spring and fall, but now it seems we go straight from summer to winter and then start over again. Damn. Oh well, I would rather it be colder than 100 degrees and humid. This brother is not all about being sweaty.

I keep missing calls from The Midwest Master of Metal......seems that I am always asleep when he tries to give me a call, which is no good.....when you read this.....sorry about that, but a fella has to get his rest on.

Only worked 8 hours last night, will be going in early tonight and pulling a 12 hr shift....and then it sounds like Saturday is going to be a go for this week, so that is cool, probably pull another 12 then.....will find out for sure tomorrow.

I did something kinda stupid, but funny....put my picture up on where people vote on whether you are attractive or an ugly far I am rated at 6.2, with a grand total of 43 people voting.....not sure if that is good or bad. I will keep you posted. If you want to check it out and see my current rating for yourself, you can go directly to my link there at If you do this, make sure to vote honestly though, don't just rate me a 10 because I rock or anything, if you know me and think I am truly an ugly bastard, go ahead and give me an appropriate rating. Coolio.

A while back I had a blog entry about the mighty band Broken Teeth.....comparing album sales of several bands with AC DC set as the benchmark. Had a comment posted on that one requesting the comparison of U2 vs. AC DC.....and dug up this list from the RIAA tallying the top selling artists catalogs within the USA. Here are some comparisons....only listing the ones I find interesting though.....and remember these are only USA sales of their titles.

AC DC - 66 million

Aerosmith - 65.5 million

Rolling Stones - 64.5 million (kind of surprised they are behind AC DC and Aerosmith)

Madonna - 60 million

Michael Jackson -59.5 million (I don't expect him to sell many more records in the future either)

Metallica - 57 million

Van Halen - 56.5 million (wow, who would have thought when Kill Em All was released that Metallica would eclipse the mighty Van Halen....hahah I think that is great, even though Metallica has been a piece of shit for years now)

U2 - 50.5 million - I have to admit, after years of saying they are a crap band to MizzSparky, I am starting to grow more and more fond of some of their songs.....Sunday Bloody Sunday is still their best by far though

Kenny G - 48 million - this makes no sense, who buys this crap?

Guns N Roses - 36.5 million

Willie Nelson - 34 million - Willie Nelson is a pimp.

Frank Sinatra - 25.5 million - This one's for you Mistershawn...

Motley Crue - 22.5 million

Green Day - 19.5 million

Kiss - 19 million - Who woulda thunk that Green Day would outsell Kiss.....not that the last several Kiss albums were any good, they werent.....they were shit, but still.

Ok, enough playing wanna be record exec analyzing spreadsheets for the day. I am gonna go grab some sleep and throw in the Anger Management DVD.....have started watching it 3 days in a row now, and always fall asleep right when it gets interesting (when Nicholson moves in to Sandlers place....)

Until then, please remember...............Bangcock Shocks, Saigon Shakes, and Hanoi Rocks.....Word.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Paul Stanley looking kinda fruity in the 70's

Check out this old picture of Peter Criss (left) and Paul Stanley (right) of Kiss taken back in the 70's...Paul is getting his tough guy "gangsta" pose going on and he still looks like a fruit-loop.....and what is with the helmet? Did they make him strap that on when he got off the short bus on the ride to the studio?

Sorry I haven't done an entry to update the story of the Altoids girl.....been working a lot this last week....ended up with 68 hours, which is cool, as 28 hours of overtime more than doubles the paycheck for the week......always a good thing......even if too much of that will end up going to pay off the bills from my past when I lived well in excess of my means.....(if you are slow, that means that I spent more than I was making)

Anyway, it is Sunday 10/23/05 and just about 6pm......have to be at work tonight again at 11pm and start another week of slaving for the man.....hopefully we will have as much overtime this week as we had last week.....if so, I am going to work every OT hour possible, which would end up being a total of 72 hours......but that is all dependant on the hours being available....we will have to wait and see.

Haven't talked to Miss Megan in 2 days, and that makes me kind of sad.....talking to her is usually the highlight of my day.....but I keep getting voicemail....dammit!!! Oh well, I will try her again tonight before I go in to work....should be easier to reach her this week, as she has the week off.....but I will probably be working all kinds of crazy hours, so I will be the hard one to reach.....go figure.

Starting to try and figure out the plans for the Holiday season this year.....looks like the annual festivities will be in Wichita, KS.....Mistershawn and Miss Sparky will be going to West Palm Beach, Florida to attend an Xmas party (they are all kinds of high class like that) and then flying from there over to Wichita.......Miss Megan will be in Wichita, and a mere 90 minutes away is the Midwest Master Of Metal in Salina.....and Amy, if I remember right, will be flying up to Salina from we very well may end up having an evening of "hey, remember when....." stories if we can all hook up for a night. I will keep trying to nail down everyone's schedule and figure this thing out......I am all about the planning like that.

Who knows, maybe Dead Orchestra will be playing a reunion show in Wichita over the Holidays and we can go and laugh at them like the old days......even better, maybe Mike Lacy and the fellas in Psycho Love Tribe will get back together and we can pretend we are back at Rock Island in 1990 or something....hahahahah How metal would that be?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Lazy Me

I have been slacking off on the blogging this week, sorry about that....well, it is Thursday night, 10/20/05 currently 7:30 pm..... So far this week I have 44 hours in this week....going to do 8 more tonight, which will make it 52 hrs....and then either 8 or 12 hours on Saturday...haven't decided yet..............

I have received a few requests for the 2nd part of the "Altoids Girl" entry I started the other day....fear not, your requests have been heard and I will be kicking out part 2 of that entry this weekend.

Kind of veering off topic here, but I wonder when in the heck Ginger is going to get his new solo album has been recorded for a few months now and I still havent heard anything about a release date or even a label for it......most likely will not be released in the USA anyway, but man....this thing just needs to come out....I like the sample songs that he has posted so far on his myspace page

If you visit, make sure to check out both songs.....they are both really good, but of the 2 tracks, I prefer "10 Flaws Down".....both are pretty laid back in comparison to the Wildhearts/Silver Ginger 5 stuff....but very good.

Ok, I am out for right now......time to go take a shower and eat something then off to work for another glorious evening being a slave to the man.

BTW, a band I had almost forgotton.....Blind Melon....hadn't listened to them for ages....but Sleazegrinder posted some of their demo songs this morning.....forgot what a great voice that guy remember him, Shannon Hoon? He was in one of GNR's videos way back when and they had a big hit with the bee-girl video, then the dumbass went and od'd on heroin or something and that was it. Anyway, the demo's reminded me how much I used to like that record, going to have to go dig out that cd.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Another Monday for you, Tuesday for me

Hello my peoples, how you livin?

Just woke up, and it is 5:30 pm Monday 10/17/05....just wanted to drop a quick hello on I am going to go take a shower and wash my grubby carcass, then off to work...going in early tonight, working a 7pm to 7am shift......overtime is a good thing.....I think?

Yep, it is least the getting more money part of it....not really the working longer hours part of it.

Sorry I didn't get to Altoid girl part 2 yet, it will be are all in suspense and waiting.....hahahah Rock.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Good morning everyone, it is 8:30am as I begin to type this entry on the blog.....Sunday 10/16/05 Hope you are having a good morning, afternoon, or even evening....depending on when you are reading this entry.

I was really damn lazy yesterday....ended up falling asleep sometime in the afternoon.....had just finished talking to Miss Megan on the phone, and popped in my 4 episode disc of My Name Is Earl......then fell asleep............slept almost forever...woke up about 2 in the morning....putzed around a bit on the pc, then fell asleep again until around 6 am, then got up and started playing poker at which is always a good time.

I was pretty mad at myself for falling asleep though, as Miss Megan and I had planned to have a long telephone chat later in the afternoon/early evening.....dammit. So Megan, if you read this before I talk to you....I suck....sorry about being lame and falling asleep.

I have gotten a few requests for another "Ladies Of Unklebry" entry, so I think today is the day we go to that side of the blog again......oh yes, time for the nasty. hahahha

Okay, this is kind of a long story........this is the story of "Altoid Girl"

I was working in San Antonio and had a team leader who worked for me call in sick...which left me short a person to cover our staffing for the night.....I tried to think of who I could use to cover the spot.....thought of a girl I had monitored a few times the previous week who did an outstanding job.....had her sent to my office and explained the situation....she was thrilled to be offered the stand in job for the night. She did a good job and I thanked her for helping us out by giving her a pair of San Antonio Spurs tickets to the game for that weekend (had a bunch to give out for that game)...and didn't think anything else about it.

The next week, she was always popping in my office to see if we needed her help again, which we didn't.....but she kept stopping in my office all the time night she just kept hanging around and noticed my tin of altoids on my desk......she said " it true what they say about altoids?" I was like what? That they are curiously strong peppermints? She replied "no, that they make oral sex really intense"


I just kind of stammered something like "uhhhhh" and didn't comment on it. I am all kinds of slick like that.

A few days later she was hanging around again and we were talking...I asked her how old she was....and of course, she was a whopping 17. Not good.

A few weeks goes by, and we lose a supervisor, and have her stand for this she gets my cell phone number so she can contact me if anything should happen that I need to know about while I am not at the office......she starts to call me just to say hello and all that stuff. One night I am at work, and she calls.....she is in the parking lot outside my office.....she asks me to come out so she can ask me something.....I am intrigued, but knowing I will not do anything due to her age.....I roll outside and it is dark out.....walk up to her car which is parked off by itself...she opens the door and swivels herself to the side like she is going to get out, but doesnt she beckons me to walk around the other side of the car door, and she has her skirt hiked up around her drawers on, just smiling at me. Damn, this is odd. I walk back around the other side of the door so I can no longer see her flashing box and tell her that nothing is going to happen as she is too young, and besides she works for me. She tries to talk me into "doing something" with her that night, but I stand my ground.

A couple weeks passes, and she shows up at work again....she has since left the company and no longer works with me.....she comes in my office to say hello and asks me to go to the smoking area to have a talk....I do....there she introduces me to a young lady she has brought with her.....and then asks if I will go do "something" with both of them after I get off work that night.....she says it will be fun....and her and the other girl both look at each other and giggle......I ask her if she has turned 18 yet.....and of course, I politely decline the invitation.

I don't hear from her for a while, then out of the blue she calls me one night while I am out on the town with Mistershawn....we are getting kind of liquored up and she is at home playing with herself....hahah yep, for real, I tell her to put the phone down by there and let me hear the squishy kinda sounds......and it was for real....then I start directing her as to her hand motion and insertion/retracting of her was pretty darn rocking...Mistershawn and I had a good laugh while sitting at the bar.

I don't hear from her for a while again, then one night close to last call while I am again out with Mistershawn, she calls and tells me she has been 18 for almost a month and I haven't called her.....hahah She appears to be kind of liquored up...(as was I) and wants me to drive over and pick her up and bring her back to my place.....I am feeling pretty bold, so I ask her if she is freshly shaved downstairs.....she says she has a little stubble, as she hasnt shaved in about a week....I tell her to go take a shower, shave that thing all smooth and then call me back....I honestly don't expect her to do it, but about a half hour later she calls back and says she is freshly showered, shaved, and ready to go.....hahhhahah

I will pick up with part 2 of this story in a little while.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hello Peoples.......

Good morning everyone, I just woke my ass is 11:23 am CST on Saturday 10/15/05......I am gonna head out and buy some smokes and groceries......after all, a dude has to have some nourishment.....right?

In the meantime, since without me kicking some science on here for you, you will be all bored and looking for something to do.....

You should go download this song and listen to it over and over again...

A band called Sack Trick.....doing a reggae style version of Kiss' classic "Love Gun"

You know you wanna hear it....go ahead, it is okay, check it out.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

ha Ha ha Ha

This is way too funny, dontcha think? I am all about the humor.

Slash (GNR) In High School

Who knew that Slash once had a real happenin' fro......I think he should let this hairdo grow back (but try and fill in the sides some more, his shit is too lopsided right here)......wouldnt that be the bomb diggity?

Not too sure how that 'do would work with his trademark top hat though? Perhaps he could pin it to the top of the fro.....that would be pretty cool.


(Yes, this really is a picture of Slash)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Too funny!

Finally got around to checking my email and saw that Amy in Florida had sent this....actually she sent a bunch of funny crap, but this one was the best....I actually laughed out loud on this one.

This is too damn ghetto

Ok, I like a lot of these bands, some of them I like quite a bit......but damn, this is about the worst example of things to get tattooed on you that I have ever seen.

Hopefully this is no one that I know.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Pirate Rock Link for Mistershawn


Here is the pirate rock link we discussed earlier.....other fans of Unklebry can just disregard this post, as it probably won't interest you. You see, Mistershawn has an unusual fascination with pirate's a Texas wouldn't understand.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

This album is still great

Listened to this album tonight...........first time I had listened to it all the way thru in a long, long time. Still one of my favorite albums of all time.

Not much happening tonight, it is kinda cold and rainy out, which is ok....better a bit chilly than being hot out, tired of the summertime heat.

Pops checked in on the blog today for the first time in a long time, which was cool....

I think we are overdue for another Ladies Of Unklebry post....gonna give it some thought and add another story...........not sure which one though....suggestions? Maybe it is time to throw up the whole Altoid girl saga on here.......

Monday, October 03, 2005

No time for a real post tonight

Just woke up a little bit ago..........damn, like 10 hours straight sleep time today......that is a good thing, and now a brother is all refreshed and stuff, ready to go be a slave to the man all night. But, the bad thing is I don't have time to clear my head and come up with anything entertaining to write on the blog............oh well, I will be back in the morning.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

What Is Up, My People?

Hello everyone, and welcome to another entry comin' atcha live from the mighty midwest.

I didn't do a darn thing all weekend, which was nice....watched some dvd's, spent time downloading a bunch of music from bands that you have probably never heard of, and finished up a book I was reading. For me, that is a productive weekend. Hopefully everyone else did something a bit more entertaining/exciting.

I do have a bit of bad news, my beloved mobile, "Bessie" is pretty much dead. Appears I have blown a head gasket in her, and that kind of repair is way too costly for a car that is worth so little, so I am currently looking at buying a car from the lil' brother unit.....the car he traded in on his current car was pretty decent, and he turned around and bought it right back from the dealer for the same price they gave him on trade in he will sell it to me for more.....making himself some money, and helping me out by saving me the trouble of looking around at cars and all that crap. He is bringing it over here tonight and I will drive it to work and just check it out to make sure that is what I want to do. Probably so, I am not really that picky when it comes to cars, kinda obvious since I have had my current one almost 10 years.

Didn't talk to Miss Megan at all this weekend, and that bums me out......seems whenever she calls me I am asleep, and whenever I call her she is doing something else and I get is kinda tough keeping in touch with the rest of the world when you work the hours that everyone else is normally asleep, as it really puts a bind in your schedule and all that......I mean half the time I don't wake up til about 9 at night, then check email, crap, shower, etc....then off to work....trying to keep in contact with everyone within that 10-10:45 window that I leave myself......but if people get up at 6 in the morning, half the time they are asleep by then. Not complaining, but just makes it tough to stay in touch.

I think I need to get a hobby, something to do instead of just being a computer geek all the time when I am not at work......I dunno, perhaps macrame?

Another Reno pic

Another Reno pic...this is Unklebry and Lata Mokofisi....she was our receptionist at ProMark, and a very nice person......she was originally from one of those island countries out in the Pacific somewhere. Note the rockin billy goat scruff on my chin, soon to be shaved off after this pic.

LA Guns show April 11, 1988

This pic is really taking it back a April 11, 1988. That is the night that Unklebry, Dale Kvasniscka, and JPA (the Midwest Master of Metal) ventured to Lawrence, KS to see LA Guns for the first time.....this was on their first national tour....right after the self titled album was released.....had a grand old time and still have a very, very crappy audio recording of this show. Still have my Tracii Guns guitar pick from that night too.....aww yeah.

I think JPA registered on Sludge finally....

Tonight (okay, this morning it is 4 in the am) I log onto sludge and check out the boards, and see someone registered as the Midwest Master Of Metal......gotta be JPA, and using this pic as their pic...hahahaha. JPA is that you?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Unklebry, Amber Holt, and Julie Herrick

Another pic from the time living in Reno, this is Amber Holt, Unklebry, and Julie Herrick out for a night on the town.....look at my eyes, already pretty darn glazed, had a good old time that night....ended up having to call a cab from my place out on the edge of town to take Julie back to her place......cost way too much, but I was in no condition to drive....this was right before I moved to San Antonio.

Unklebry and Lixxgirlz (Amy)

This is Unklebry and LixxGirlz (or Amy if you know her) taken in Wichita, KS at old Salina pal Hope's place there. Mistershawn and I had flown from San Antonio to Wichita to hang out for a few days and caught up with Amy there, hung out at Glamour Girls and had a grand old time.

Unklebry, Dale Kvasniscka and Raymond Holzhuter

This one is going way the heck back. Pictured are Dale Kvasniscka, Raymond Holzhuter, and Unklebry (in that order) This pic was taken in my basement bedroom (dig the cool black wall with the spray painted evil face in the background) Had a lot of good times doing really stupid things back then.

Cool New Tribute Band

This is kinda cool, how the church is very open and accepting of the word of Motley Crue.